Page 12 - may-june 2021_Neat
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Advanced Registration Form

               Name: _____________________________________ Spouse/Significant Other: _______________________________
               Company: __________________________________ Telephone: ________________________________
               Email: _____________________________________  Spouse Email: ________________________________________

                                                      Registration Fees

               Single Registration: $380      $_______          Couple Registration: $580      $________
               (includes a Reverse Raffle Ticket, Welcome Reception,  (includes two Reverse Raffle Tickets, Welcome Reception,
               Dessert Extravaganza and President’s Dinner)   Dessert Extravaganza and President’s Dinner)

               Non-Members: Individuals from non-member companies will be charged a $150 additional convention registration fee.
                                        Please add this charge to your total registration amount.

                                               Convention Activities and Events

                 Additional tickets are available for family members/  Tuesday
                  guests not involved in the propane industry and,   Fishing: $180            #_____  $_______
               therefore, not paying convention registration fees. Extra   (Minimum of 10 needed to confirm reservation. Fee in-
                  tickets must be purchased to attend events for non-  cludes everything needed to fish plus food, drinks, tip and
                       convention attendees, no exceptions.    fish cleaning)
                                                               Golf Tournament: $150        #_____ $_______
               Sunday                                          (Fee includes green fee, cart, drinks, box lunch and prizes)
               Welcome Reception (included in registration)    Names (Would like to Play with)      Handicap
               Extra Adult Ticket: Free      #_____            __________________________________  __________
                     (Cash Bar)                                __________________________________  __________
               Child Ticket (17 and under): Free   #_____
                                                               Hangin’ on the Beach: $30      #_____ $_______
               Monday                                          (Fee includes one lounge chair, shared umbrella, snacks
               Extra Reverse Raffle Ticket: $50   #_____  $_______  and beverages)
               Dessert Extravaganza (included in registration)  President’s Dinner (included in registration)
               Extra Adult Ticket: $35      #_____  $_______   Extra Adult Ticket: $120      #_____ $_______
               Child Ticket (17 and under): Free   #_____      Extra Child Buffet (15 & under): $45 #_____ $_______

                     Total Registration Amount                                       $___________

                    Hotel Information (12 Via de Luna Drive):   Donations are needed for the Silent Auction. Contact
                To make your room reservation at the Hilton Hotel for   the LPGA office with your item information or fill out
               June 27-30, 2021 call: 1-866-916-2999 or 1-850-916-2999.   and return the attached form. Thank you in advance!
                To book online, go to:  Convention Cancellation Policy:
                        Use group/convention code: LPGA          Since we have to give a guaranteed number of
                           Room Rates Start at $269
                 Room Block Reservation Deadline is May 26, 2021!  attendees for events several days in advance, the
                                                                     cancellation policy will be as follows:
                          Return Form and Payment to:                 *Full refund on or before May 17th
                        Louisiana Propane Gas Association       *Half refund on or between May 17th-May 31st
                 13144 Perkins Road, Suite A, Baton Rouge, LA 70810     *No refund on or after June 1st
                      Phone: 225-763-8922, Fax: 225-763-8989    If you fax or email your registration form, you are
               Make check payable to Louisiana Propane Gas Association  considered pre-registered and must call to cancel
               Pay online with credit card:           your registration!

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