Page 15 - may-june 2020
P. 15
hand sanitizer at a major retailer, open a window that the company’s name is spelled differently
in your browser, search for the retailer’s web ad- 10 Think before you click. The best thing
dress, and compare it with the one in your email you can to protect yourself is just slow down and
5 Beware of online requests for personal think If something doesn’t seem right about an
information. A coronavirus-themed email that email, ask your IT staff to take a look or just delete
seeks personal information like your Social Security it—ideally before you open it You’re better off
number or login information is a phishing scam not taking the risk. ■
Legitimate government agencies won’t ask for
that information Never provide your personal *The author wishes to thank other members of
data in response to an unsolicited email Conner & Winters who provided content for this
6 MOST IMPORTANTLY, do not open at- article
tachments or click on links. Do not open attach-
ments or click links within emails from senders you Mark is a partner in the law firm of Conner & Winters, LLP in
Tulsa, OK. Mark has litigated cases since 1988. His practice
do not recognize or emails you do not expect includes representing different segments of the gas fuels in-
They may contain malware Always verify the web dustry, the vehicle rental industry, and product manufacturers.
Mark has defended propane retailers, wholesalers, and tank
address of legitimate websites and manually type manufacturers in personal injury, wrongful death, and property
them into your browser damage claims in twenty states, as well as provided counsel
regarding regulatory compliance matters. He has also rep-
7 Watch for an “External Email” Alert. resented gas utilities in personal injury and property damage
Hopefully your email server is configured to flag all claims. You can contact Mike at:
emails to you originating from outside your busi-
8 Guard your passwords and financial
information. Be wary of
any emails (and faxes
and robocalls) asking for
passwords, account num- Looking for a reliable,
bers, credit card numbers,
or wire transfers There is customized supply plan?
no reason to share such
info via email, phone, or
an unknown or unsecure Crestwood’s experienced NGL professionals can help you create a
reliable, yet flexible supply plan from the Dixie Pipeline or Hattiesburg.
site Also be suspicious of
an email reporting failed Want to know more???
financial transactions or Call Max Johnson today to see how Crestwood can help you with index
pricing agreements, fixed price and option hedges or our transportation
changing an established and storage capabilities.
payment protocol Pick
up the phone and talk to Max Johnson | Supply/Asset Manager-Southeast
someone you know
D: (816) 329.5316
9 Google the C: (913) 972.5721
request, the entity, or the ICE ID: mjohnson31
email. You may be able to
confirm that the purport-
ed CDC email is fake by
looking on the CDC site
You may be able to find
the exact phishing email in
a scam alert. You may find
15 Alabama Propane Gas Association | May / June 2020