Page 7 - jan-feb 2023
P. 7

LP gas board  | comments & reviews

                                                                                        by: R  DeWayne Whiddon
                      s I sit here writing this article, winter   please remind your customers and the general
                      has finally come to Alabama with           public to be extremely careful  You are the
                      a vengeance  With the bitter cold          trained professionals  What you do is a highly
            Aand biting windchills, people will be               specialized skill and not just anyone off the street
            doing some extraordinary things to keep not only     is capable of performing your jobs  It is our duty
            themselves but their pets warm as well  This can     to do our best to keep the public as safe as we
            create some dangerous situations that would not      can in spite of themselves
            normally come into play  The general public can           The next quarterly meeting of the Alabama
            get amazingly creative at times, as I’m sure we      LP-Gas Board will be January 12, 2023, at 10:00
            have all seen                                        a m  at 770 S  McDonough St, Montgomery, AL
                 People will use the “Mr  Heater” cylinder-      You are encouraged to visit the Board’s website
            mounted style heaters in barns and attached          at www lpgb alabama gov for more news and
            garages to keep pets warm  Often, people just        information that will certainly be of benefit.
            attach them to the cylinder and sit the cylinder     You are also encouraged to visit us here at the
            directly on the ground next to a straw bed for       board’s offices at 777 S. Lawrence Street Suite
            their pet   This leads to the animals knocking them   100, Montgomery, AL  In closing, I hope the New
            over and causing fires from the hot parts, even      Year brings prosperity, peace, and happiness to
            when they are equipped with automatic shut-off       each of you!■
            devices  They will also use them in greenhouses
            to keep plants warm  I have even seen them
            used to keep pipes from freezing  The heaters
            are placed at the opening of a crawl space and
            pointed towards the pipes without thinking about       DSS7
                                                                            Dual Second-Stage Regulator
            clearance issues or the amount of radiant heat
            that these heaters produce                           The revolutionary DSS7 regulators offer a new
                 People will also do things to stay warm          level of safety to the industry by shutting off flow
            without thinking of the dangers that they are         to the building if it detects an unsafe overpressure
            exposing themselves to  I have seen people             condition or if the container runs out of propane.
            bring those same “Mr  Heater-style” heaters
            inside a double-wide mobile home when their           • Superior stability and
            furnace stopped working  In fact, I just recently     • Outlet connection has
                                                                    a sensing tube which
            noticed a permit holder that fills cylinders as a       monitors the
            side business using a cylinder and an outdoor           downstream
            standup-style heater inside his storefront  This      • Has a 'slam shut'
            permit holder has a retail store that sales other       shutoff device
                                                                  • For domestic and
            products unrelated to propane, but it is not an         light commercial
            industrial type of business  The permit holder does
            sell that style of heater, as well  Now, this is a
            propane professional that is supposed to instruct
            consumers on the “proper handling” of propane,
            and yet they are violating two state regulations
            regarding propane, blatantly
                 I mention all these stories to remind
            everyone to please be careful this winter and               |  800.448.9504
            especially during the extreme cold  Furthermore,

     7                                     Alabama Propane Gas Association  | January / February 2023
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