Page 8 - jan-feb 2023
P. 8

from the executive director’s desk
                                  Bafter 27 years as  I

                                                                   am excited and hon-
                                          y now, you all
                                                                   ored to join your or-
                                          have heard that I
                                                                   ganization as the new
                                          am retiring in 2023
                                                                   executive director! A
                                   your executive director       big thanks to everyone
                                   It has been a pure joy        for the warm welcome
                                   to work with you  To be       I would like to express
                                   honest, few people can        my appreciation to the
                                   say they love their job       Board of Directors and
                                   and the people they           Lisa Hill for their support
                                   work with, but for me,        and assistance in help-
                                   it is a comment I have        ing me transition into
                uLisa Hillu                                                                  uLaural Bunnu
                                 made for 27 years  I love       this leadership role  I recog-
            this industry and some of my best friends have       nize I have a lot to learn and I intend to invest
            come from THIS industry                              time researching and learning about the APGA,
                   When I started with APGA, I was 27 years      its members, and the propane industry
            old  I had worked in the association industry for           Here are a few fast facts about me:  I
            eight years by then  I was two years into earning    am originally from Gulf Shores, Alabama, grad-
            my Bachelor of Science degree  Still, the APGA       uated from Auburn University, and completed
            Board took a chance on me. I will be the first       certification at the University of Alabama. I
            to say I did not do everything correctly, but my     cheer for both teams -- Roll Tide and War Ea-
            drive and determination pushed me to learn and       gle!! My family includes my two pets, a small
            gain the knowledge I needed to lead this organi-     dog and a very large cat  I enjoy playing golf,
            zation for years                                     helping others and problem solving  My profes-
                   I remember wholesale gas being around         sional experience consists of managing success-
            25 cents per gallon; members of the LP Gas           ful programs from a variety of industries includ-
            Board smoked during meetings; district meet-         ing advertising, sales, non-profit, fundraising,
            ings were a lot about golf and drinking; and the     government, and public administration
            agency Homeland Security did not exist  We                  In my most recent experience, I served
            have seen so many changes in policy and peo-         as the Supervisor of Voter Registration and Ab-
            ple  We are certainly a different industry now       sentee Coordinator for Alabama under current
                   The members have supported me both in         Alabama Secretary of State John H  Merrill
            my professional and personal lives  After eigh-      In this role, I was responsible for all program
            teen years of marriage and two beautiful daugh-      management activities including budgeting,
            ters, Baylee and Emma, I went through a very         financial management, board and staff devel-
            tough divorce but my friends in this industry had    opment, policy and procedure development,
            my back  They lifted my girls and me up during       training program development, quarterly board
            every tough experience  Then, God brought the        and committee meetings, communications and
            most amazing man into my life, my wonderful          public relations, as well as constituent and con-
            husband Jason Hill  I am so blessed that he stuck    sumer relations
            it out when the men in my life from this industry           I am honored and privileged to have the
            made sure he was the right one for me!!  You         opportunity to lead this association! My door is
            guys know exactly who you are   I will forever be    always open and my phone is always available
            grateful for your love and protection                for you to voice your support and concerns  I
                   So, yes, I am retiring at the young age of    will do whatever it takes to meet the needs of
            54  Baylee is now married and Emma will start her    the members and to keep the association on a
            senior year of high school in August  I know God     positive path forward
            has a plan for me and I cannot wait to see what             Following in Lisa’s shoes will not be easy,
            it is                                                but with your input, participation and support,
                   Thank you   all of you!  I love you all deep-  we can be assured that the APGA has a bright
            ly. I will be around until the end of July! Call me!■  future!■

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