Page 11 - nov-dec 2019
P. 11

Propane Logistics Analysis Network (PLAN)

                      PLAN is a centralized tool to share reported wait times for propane terminals to efficiently
                      utilize hours of service. The expected end users of PLAN are transport drivers, dispatchers,
                      terminal managers, and wholesale suppliers, but PLAN is available for everyone.

                      To access PLAN, go to the PLAN tile on the NPGAction app or visit

                      The following images are from PLAN as viewed on a mobile device.

                  HOMEPAGE                    STATE                EMERGENCY                  LOCATION

              Here the user will choose   Choose the state your    DECLARATION          View the recently reported

              to search by state or use   supply point is in and then   If there is an emergency   wait times and share your

               the device’s location.    view the terminals   declaration for a state it will   wait time.
                                           alphabetically      appear in the yellow bar.

     11                              Alabama Propane Gas Association  |  November / December  2019
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