Page 8 - nov-dec 2019
P. 8
from the executive director’s desk
s I sit here typing my article, it is 2020 His name is Jason Nokks and he is out of
pouring outside The temperature Florida Jason was recommended by multiple
started at 76 this morning and by people in the industry We look forward to an
A late afternoon, it will be 46 way to exceptional training year in 2020 You can find
jump right into it! all of our training classes
We have had a phenomenal year in our on-line by CLICK HERE
training program As of the end of October,
we have trained 513 employees (321 of those I was invited to a meeting held by PERC
in the Dispensing Propane Safely program) We in Baltimore in October The meeting was
still have three Dispensing classes scheduled called “Environmental
this year with 78 registered attendees Due Summit ” PERC brought in
to this overwhelming show of support for 60 members of the industry
the dispensing program, we have brought to discuss propane and
in another contract instructor who will be where it falls in the climate
conducting most of the 19 dispensing courses change conversation The
we have scheduled in 2020 This course is a hope was to get key words
concerted effort on the part of APGA and the or messages which the
LP Gas Board, and it is obvious to us that it is propane industry could
paying off use to combat negative
Due to Paula Laney accepting a new messages regarding uLisa Hillu
job, we will have a new CETP instructor for propane being a fossil
fuel We heard from representatives from
Canada and the World LPG Association on
how they are handling this conversation
I’m not sure that our group was successful in
reaching a message that we all agreed on
This is an issue this industry will have to face
sooner rather than later Our young people
are being fed garbage by environmentalist
and the electric boys One day this industry will
have to take a stand and speak out regarding
untruths being told about how bad propane
is and the untruths about electricity being the
energy source to save the planet I don’t know
about you, but I’ve had it! Enough is enough
I hope the message this industry creates is
strong and powerful and knocks the lairs out of
the playing field
On a lighter note, your 2020 APGA
Membership Dues statements will be mailed
the first of December. We ask that you please
continue to support your association ■
8 Alabama Propane Gas Association | November / December 2019