Page 4 - nov-dec 2019
P. 4

word from the president

                      s those of us in the propane industry      opportunities were developed for our valuable
                      are getting cranked up and enjoying        employees and staff   We made great strides with
                      these cooler days and cold nights of       approval of recommendations and requests from
            Alate fall, we remember those hot, dry               various committees during the fall board meeting
            days that recently were left behind   The hot days        Participation in the committee and board
            in September and October seemed to never end         meetings was good; however, I feel that we
            as weather records were broken   My wife warned      still are lacking in representation and active
            me that it would be too hot for too long and then    participation from our
            we would drop into near winter weather within        industry across the state   My
            a day or two; once again we have experienced         goal for this year is to recruit
            Alabama weather that displays spring, summer,        and involve all members
            fall, and winter within 24 to 48 hours               to active participation in
                 During those hot days, APGA was preparing       our organizational activities
            for a busy cold season ahead with strong             from all across the state in
            support from the dealers, suppliers, and NPGA        all levels of the propane
            representatives   Great strides were made with       industry   Each and every
            committee meetings that strategized services         one is vital to the growth   uTim Mooreu
            to support our industry partners, continued          and progress of our
            development of rebate programs to benefit our        association
            customers while also promoting the propane                As we approach the holiday season, we
            industry, and enhanced safety and training           hope to get busy pumping propane and servicing
                                                                 customers, but may we never forget to take a
              A winning combination...                           moment and consider the true meaning of these

                                                                 seasons   Always be thankful, considerate, and
              The all in one regulator
              with integrated dielectric union                   humble in our personal and professional lives;
                                                                 respect, honor, and support one another and
                                                                 those we serve   Remember the true meaning
                                                                 of Christmas and honor Jesus, who came for us;
                                                                 savor those times with family, friends, and those
                                                                 you love   Wishing you boundless blessings for the
                                                                 busy season that we hope comes upon us
                                                                      James 1:17■

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     4                               Alabama Propane Gas Association  |  November / December  2019
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