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2019 Q4                       90-Day Criticals

               fY 2020 aPProPriations requests                         Hours of service ProPosal
                                ISSUE                                               ISSUE
               Appropriations  requests  for research, development,   In response  to significant  stakeholder  outreach,  the  Federal
               and demonstration projects through the Department   Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) proposed several
               of Energy provide a legislative opportunity to drive   modifications  to drivers’ hours of service requirements. Among
               innovation and growth for the propane industry for   the modifications, FMCSA  proposed expanding the Short-
               years to  come.  This  year,  NPGA staff  collaborated   Haul Operation maximum  radius from  100 to 150 air-miles,
               with  association  members and Congressional   and extending the maximum on-duty time from 12 to 14 hours.
               stakeholders to draft and submit requests for vehicle   NPGA has strongly encouraged FMCSA to update the short-haul
               engine technology and combined heat and power   operation regulation based on the modern highway infrastructure
               systems.                                      system and vehicle improvements. FMCSA  also proposed other
                               ACTION                        modifications including changes to the adverse driving conditions
               NPGA submitted requests with more than a dozen   provision; when long-haul drivers must take a 30 minute rest break;
               House and Senate Appropriations Members for the   how long-haul drivers split off-duty time; and the creation of a new
               FY 2020 Energy and Water Bill. Both the House and   split duty provision to permit a ‘pause’ in on-duty time.
               Senate Energy and Water versions include language                   ACTION
               for propane.  Although there is just a  mention of   NPGA is soliciting feedback from members on the impact of the
               propane  in  House  report language, the  Energy &   proposal to operational efficiency as well as drivers’ opinions and
               Water  appropriations bill, which passed the Senate   concerns. NPGA is strongly advocating in support of the short-haul
               Appropriations  Committee,  includes  specific  report   operation modification because it presents significant advantages
               language in support of advancing propane R&D at   to improve local and regional deliveries.
               the Department of Energy.                                          OUTLOOK
                              OUTLOOK                        FMCSA  is actively engaging stakeholders  to collect  data  and
               FY  2020 Appropriations  negotiations between  the   information on the benefits  and potential  challenges presented
               House and Senate will come to a close in the coming   by the proposed modifications. The agency intends  to expedite
               weeks. NPGA continues  to support the  Senate   finalization  of the rulemaking with  some or all the proposed
               report language and is currently working with House   modifications. NPGA is participating in the rulemaking process to
               appropriators  to recede to  the Senate  position  in  a   emphasize the advantages of the proposal to the propane industry
               final spending bill.                          without jeopardizing the industry’s commitment to safety.

                                                  Winter PreParations

                   With a potentially complicated harvest and crop drying season and ever more difficulty in predicting winter forecasts,
                   the propane industry is preparing for uncertainty in supply and demand this winter. Since 2014, NPGA has improved
                   information sharing within the industry to prepare for consumer demand. We are also improving engagement with
                   policymakers at the state and federal level to respond to disruptions in infrastructure.
                   NPGA continues to build on relationships with the U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) and the National
                   Association of State Energy Officials (NASEO), which last year issued revised guidance on emergency declarations
                   and waivers (available at We continue to grow relationships with state DOT and energy officials to
                   facilitate regular communication and coordination to prepare for weather events ahead of emergencies throughout the
                   year. Further, NPGA has deployed the Propane Logistics Analysis Network tool for marketers to maximize hours of
                   service, available to all industry members via the NPGAction app or
                   Consistent warm weather in the Midwest is helping corn and soybean crops to reach full growth despite the wet spring.
                   The trending warm weather increases the likelihood of a late harvest, but the crop volume at harvest and the volume
                   of propane needed to dry it are still unclear. NPGA is partnering with PERC and state/regional associations to
                   distribute a new crop drying tool PERC is developing to anticipate drying needs by crop in each state. NPGA’s Supply
                   and Logistics Response Team will continue its efforts using an “Early Warning Network” of marketers, transportation
                   providers, propane wholesalers, state/regional associations, and industry experts to communicate logistical issues as
                   they develop so NPGA staff can respond accordingly, including requesting assistance from government entities.

     5                               Alabama Propane Gas Association  |  November / December  2019
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