Page 14 - mar-apr 2019
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Propane .com
Find Everything Under One Roof at Improved,
Consolidated PERC Site & Relaunched PERC Catalog
the Propane Resource Cata-
log. PERC’s online shop where
propane industry can find con-
sumer safety educational mate-
rials, training resources as well
as marketing assets for all facets
of the industry from consumers
to builders to farmers.
The catalog’s search capa-
bilities are more defined and
there are quicker download
speeds for those who down-
load or order any resources.
To fully take advantage of
everything the new Propane.
com has to offer, you’ll want
to create a new user account.
You’ll need to do this even if
you had an account previously
and will be required if you
want to download or order any
products or resources.
In addition to a more effi-
cient and user-friendly catalog,
The Propane Education and Research Council (PERC) has PERC has moved fulfillment providers and operations to the
recently pulled back the curtain on the newest iteration of www. Lone Star State. The current website is a BIG departure from what
it was before. Today, the website is the one-stop shop for propane Help Desk
information, be it for the propane industry, consumers and the NEW to the site is a help desk. “If a marketer has a question,
different markets like construction professionals, farmers, on and from where to find something, to how to pay for an assessment,
off-road. they just fill out a basic form,” Bechard said. When they press
Ingrid Bechard, Director of Market Communications for send, someone in the PERC office is pinged. PERC’s goal is to
PERC, says that feedback on the site before the switch indicated respond via phone call or email in that same business day.
that users had a tough time knowing which site to visit and where “I hope marketers will go and visit the site and explore,” Bechard
to find items they needed. said.“You do have to create an account to download assets, but it’s
a quick and easy process.” She also hopes marketers don’t get shy
One Site with using the help desk if they need it.“Your feedback with help
The three primary sites consolidated included, us continue to make improvements.” and, and 10 total mi- What’s Next? Next year, PERC will add a Learning Manage-
crosites like, were consolidated ment System (LMS) to to stream and track work-
into the one site. force training like CETP and sales training.
Now it’s all in one place. Marketers never have to remember
where to visit to find something. “Feedback so far has been that Propane Can Do That
it’s easier to find what they are looking for,” Bechard said.“Which Also, brand new to the site is PERC’s new digital campaign, Pro‐
is good. We worked really hard on the user experience.”
pane Can Do That. This campaign replaces the Blue campaign
Propane Resource Catalog from a few years ago. (See the next story for details on all the
assets in the new campaign available to marketers.)
The Propane Education & Research Council has re-launched
14 Alabama Propane Gas Association | March / April 2019