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                          INNOVATION    EDUCATION    COLLABORATION

                                             APRIL -

                                                    ATLANTA, GA
                                         INTERNATIONAL PROPANE

                            2019 NPGA Southeastern Convention &
                                      International Propane Expo
                                                       Atlanta, GA

           D          on’t miss NPGA’s         Fine dining, shopping, and rich    here.

                                                                                  need to go through NPGA by
                                                                                  calling 866-446-3551 or click
                                               history combine with inspiration-
                                               inducing attractions to  create
                      Convention &
                      International Propane
                                                                                       On page 13, you will
                                               world-class sophistication
            Expo, as the industry’s largest    a city with Southern charm and       find a registration form for
            event returns to the South’s            You will notice the           only SE Propane Marketers
            largest city  This one-of-a-kind   SCHEDULE OF EVENTS on the          NPGA is offering you two free
            opportunity brings together        following page  For details on     attendees with the purchase of
            more than 3,000 marketers and      all the education sessions and     a full conference registration
            suppliers from across the United   technical workshops being          However, you only have until
            States!                            offered, click here to go to the   APRIL 5th to take advantage of
                 What’s more, Atlanta is       expo website.                      this discount
            better than ever and ranks              On page 12, you will find          We hope to see you in
            among Lonely Planet’s 2017         a list of event hotels  To make    Atlanta, GA April 13-15
            “Best in the U S ” destinations    your hotel reservation, you will

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