Page 8 - mar-apr 2019
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from the executive director’s desk

                       s you know, one of the most difficult     rebates @ $200; 89 New Service Outlet rebates @
                       issues within our industry is the         $100; 53 Stove/Dryer rebates @ $100; and 56 Log
                       constant turnover of employees in         rebates @ $100. I strongly encourage all of you
           A the cylinder filling area and ensuring              to USE THEM for your customers  The paperwork is
            proper training for employees filling cylinders. For   not’re already doing safety checks.
            this reason, last October, the Safety & Education    There is no reason to not offer them to your
            Committee decided to offer Dispensing Propane        customers  Click here to download the guidelines
            Safely courses  These courses include 3 1/2          and application form. If you have ANY questions,
            hours of training and review for the Alabama         please contact me  I will walk you through the
            LP Gas Board cylinder  exam and practical            process
            At the end of the training/review, the LP Gas             We are scheduled to
            Board administers the cylinder and law exams         have a legislative event
            then completes a practical per student  We           the morning of March 14th
            were unsure how this would be received by the        in Montgomery and then
            industry; however, the January courses were a        the Committee/Board
            huge success  We had two classes scheduled           meetings in Prattville that
            but had to increase that by two  We trained a        afternoon  I hope you will
            total of 79 employees with a success rate of 91%     join us. Click here for more
            We feel these courses are going to be extremely      information.■
            valuable to our industry                                                            uLisa Hillu
                 Please be aware that we still have the
            following rebates remaining: 125 Water Heater

               Autogas Dispensing                                          Do You Know What Is

                 for High Differential Pressure Applications.

                                                                  Cathodic Protection Anode Testing & Line Locating Equipment

                                                                               Underground Tank
                                                                               Anode Test Kit

                                                                     Replacement Copper
                                                                       Sulfate Electrode

                                                                               Underground Tank   Cable Hound DSP
                                                                               Anode Test Kit    Pipe & Cable Locator
                                          ACME & EURO
                                            Nozzles            Contact GEC to Schedule On-Site Training in
                                                               Cathodic Protection
                                     Atlanta GA     Chandler OK       Dallas TX     Fayetteville NC
                                    (800) 241-4155   (800) 763-0953  (800) 821-1829  (800) 447-1625
                                        Houston TX         Indianapolis IN    Kansas City MO
                                        (800) 334-7816      (800) 241-1971     (800) 821-5062
                                  Little Rock AR    Orlando FL      Richmond VA      St. Louis MO
                                   (800) 643-8222   (800) 821-0631  (800) 368-4013   (800) 423-4685
           Gas Equipment Co. TV -        Debbie Cannon

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