Page 4 - mar-apr 2019
P. 4

word from the president

                         arm, wet, cool   warm, wet,             how we can alleviate this problem  Studies
                         cool  Temperatures averaging            show that the service industry will be the largest
                         approximately three degrees             expansion in the workforce in the coming ten
           W above normal  With the exception                    years  Trade schools seem to be an excellent
            of our little confrontation with the polar vortex,   choice for potential employees  With the rising
            that seems to have been our constant weather         costs of tuition, books, and housing at our major
            pattern for the heating season  Not exactly what     universities, it just makes sense.
            we’d hoped for                                            Our committee meetings and winter
                 On the bright side, service work for            board meeting will be
            everyone seems to have continued at a brisk          held in Prattville on March
            pace  That being said, the workforce in our          14th. In conjunction with
            industry is in a quandary of sorts  The need for     this, we will be passing
            personnel seems to be at an all time high  Lisa      out lighters at the State
            and Mark Denton are working on a plan to             House  We are always well
            visit with faculty members of local community        received and the lighters
            colleges and trade schools concerning our            are appreciated  This is an
            need for qualified people. This will be a major      excellent time for you to
            topic at the upcoming Safety & Education             meet with the legislators
            Committee meeting on March 14th  We will have        and talk about the           uRick Fosteru
            representatives from NPGA and PERC here to           benefits of propane. For
            review the national programs available to us         those of you who can, we’d love to have you
                 As we continue working on our plan, we          join us.
            would like to hear your thoughts and ideas about          As a reminder, if any of you have children
                                                                 seeking scholarship funding for school, those
                                                                 applications must be received by March 25th
                                                                      Also, please stay apprised of the APGA
                                                                 schooling schedule and take advantage of
                                                                 these opportunities for training
                                                                      Spring, March 20th, is just around the
                                                                 corner which means it’s time again for the
                                                                 NPGA Southeastern Convention & Expo  The
                                                                 convention will be held at Georgia World
                                                                 Conference Center in Atlanta April 13-15  This
                                                                 is an excellent opportunity to keep abreast of
                                                                 changes and new products for the industry
                                                                      Thank you all for the job you do and the
                                                                 professionalism with which you do it
                                                                      Remember, “Attitudes are Contagious”, is
                                                                 yours worth catching?■

                                                                      Romans 1:16

     4                                           Alabama Propane Gas Association  |  March / April 2019
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