Page 3 - mar-apr 2019
P. 3

Volume 68 No. 2

                                                              Inside this Issue

                                                                                     10 |  Southeastern
                                                                                          Convention &
            2018-2019 OFFICERS                                         NPGA SOUTHEASTERN CONVENTION
            President                                                             Rick Foster  PROPANE!  Propane Expo
            Vice President                             Tim Moore    INNOVATION    EDUCATION    COLLABORATION
                                                                       APRIL -
                                                                      & INTERNATIONAL PROPANE EXPO
                                                                        ATLANTA, GA
            Treasurer                                     Bill Mayo
            Secretary                                                                   Vacant  WWW.NPGAEXPO.COM
            Imm  Past President                  Chad Chavers
                                                              5 |             Did You Know...
            2018-2019 DISTRICT DIRECTORS
            Southwest                                                   Jesse Morgan  6 |    2019 APGA Membership
            Southeast                                                       Ed Balkcom     Directory Link
            Northwest                                                                 Vacant
            Northeast                                                       Doug Rowan
            NPGA STATE DIRECTOR                               14|             PROPANE.COM
            Andy Wise
            Debbie Cannon                                     16|               Whose Duty Is It To
            Executive Director                                                Lisa Hill
            Receptionist/Secretary         Mary Lou Trammell
            Lobbyist                                                           Mike Weeks  18|      APGA Scholarship

            Alabama Propane Gas Association
            173 Medical Center Drive
            Prattville, Alabama 36066
            Office: 334 358 9590
            Fax: 334 358 9520
            Lisa’s Cell: 334-303-3514                         departments

            Email: info@alabamapropane com
            Website: www alabamapropane com                   4 |             From the President

            Hours of Operation
            Monday - Thursday      8:00 a m  - 4:30 p m       7 |               LP Gas Board Comments
            Friday     Closed                                                 & Reviews

                                                              8 |               From the Executive
                                                                              Director’s Desk

                                                              9 |               Safety & Education

                                                              20 |            Dates to Remember

                                                              20 |            Advertisers

     3                                           Alabama Propane Gas Association  |  March / April 2019
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