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2018 Q4                       90-Day Criticals

                                Crane Rule                                CFATS Reauthorization
                 ISSUE  NPGA is aggressively pursuing positive resolution   ISSUE  The Chemical Facility Anti-Terrorism Standards
                 to the unjustified, unlawful, and unclear application of the   (CFATS) program by DHS has recently imposed significant
                 Crane and Derricks in Construction regulation on propane   burdens on certain propane marketer customer storage
                 tank deliveries/retrievals by OSHA. The Crane Rule imposes   locations previously identified by DHS as high risk. CFATS
                 extremely costly third-party certification requirements for   evaluates security measures for such locations holding high risk
                 using cranes in delivery/retrieval. Conservative estimates   designations through performance-based standards. Following
                 show that the propane industry could spend over $151 million   an update to DHS’ evaluation process, facilities subject to
                 in certification and training costs every five years, if forced to   CFATS have received conflicting security reviews by DHS
                 comply with this regulation.                    inspectors or had onerous prescriptive requirements imposed
                 ACTION  Increase congressional pressure for relief from   upon them. Most recently, several propane marketers joined
                 the Crane Rule through legislation and advance our concerns   NPGA in discussions with DHS on implementation of CFATS
                 through engagement of the Presidential Administration and   requirements on propane locations.
                 OSHA.                                           ACTION  NPGA is also correlating legislative engagement with
                                                                 a coalition of other industries to address concerns through the
                 STATUS  The compliance deadline for crane operator
                 certification is November 10, 2018. More information on the   legislative reauthorization process.
                 Crane Rule is available on NPGA’s website. In a May 2018   STATUS  Congress must reauthorize CFATS by January 19,
                 proposal, OSHA stated that it may delay the compliance   2019 or the program sunsets.  NPGA is utilizing a coalition
                 deadline by six months.  NPGA’s response to the proposal   of similarly regulated industries and businesses to change the
                 is available online. We are proud to report that over 1,000   CFATS through the reauthorization legislative process. Senator
                 propane employees responded to OSHA to echo the call for   Ron Johnson, chairman of the Senate Homeland Security
                 exemption.                                      and Government Affairs Committee, introduced S. 3405 to
                 OUTLOOK  NPGA’s strategy for relief from the Crane Rule,   reauthorize the CFATS program with some modifications,
                 especially the third-party certification requirement, includes   including requiring DHS to utilize the rulemaking process to
                 engaging domestic policy advisors of the President and Vice   adjust the list of chemicals subject to the program, improve
                 President, the Office of Management & Budget, and OSHA as   transparency in review of security measures, and limit security
                 well as a possible legislative and/or legal solution.   requirements for employees.
                                                                 OUTLOOK  Reauthorization depends on a variety of legislative
                       Alternative Fuel Tax Credits              activity unrelated to CFATS. Currently, there is no companion
                                                                 bill in the House of Representatives. However, Congress
                 ISSUE  NPGA is actively seeking the long-term extension   appropriated funds to DHS for implementation of the program
                 of the Alternative Fuel Tax Credit and the Alternative Fuel   through FY2019.
                 Vehicle Refueling Property Credit. These credits apply to
                 various alternative fuels, including propane, when used in   Expanded State Engagement Initiative
                 motor vehicles.  A long-term extension will provide certainty
                 to the industry so that businesses, public entities, and the   ISSUE  Many state and regional associations are trying to do
                 market can help maximize the growth of propane.  more with less, and at the same time, many major legislative and
                 ACTION  NPGA continues to proactively work individually   regulatory issues have moved from the federal arena to the state
                 and with a broader coalition to increase Congressional   and local governments.
                 awareness and build support for the prospective extension of   ACTION  In June 2018, NPGA’s Board of Directors approved
                 these tax credits.                              expanding the State Engagement program to provide additional
                                                                 assistance to state/regional associations. The program, which is
                 STATUS  The Alternative Fuel Tax Credit and the Alternative
                 Fuel Refueling Property Credit expired at the end of 2017.    not intended to supplant the states’ current government affaiirs
                 Although some stakeholders remain positive these credits will   activities, includes hiring two new project managers, expanding
                 be extended before the end of 2018, others have concerns.    the roles of existing staff as needed, and contracting with third-
                 In the Senate, a broader package of tax extenders, including   party subject matter experts.
                 these tax credits, continue to have bipartisan support.  The   STATUS  In August and September, the two new State
                 uncertainty comes from the House side, where there has been   Engagement project managers joined NPGA. Jacob Peterson
                 a push to reevaluate the need for temporary tax provisions   is external relations program manager, while Eric Sears is state
                 now that comprehensive tax reform has been signed into law.    association program manager.
                 OUTLOOK  NPGA and many other stakeholders hope to   OUTLOOK  A survey of the state/regional associations will
                 capitalize on the popularity of the Alternative Fuel Credits.   determine what needs can be provided, such as additional
                 With such a limited amount of time before the 2018 midterm   assistance developing state legislative outreach. NPGA will also
                 election, it is not likely these tax credits or a larger package   have additional representation with organizations that have a
                 of tax extenders will be addressed before early November.    significant hand in energy policy development, including the
                 However, they almost certainly will be addressed before   National Association of Regulatory Utility Commissioners and
                 the end of the year. The makeup of Congress in 2019 will   National Association of State Energy Officials. We also intend
                 profoundly impact how these credits are extended, and for   to build relationships with new policy groups, including those
                 how long.                                       representing governors and attorneys general.

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