Page 8 - nov-dec2018
P. 8
from the executive director’s desk
eing involved in your community is in crisis, to provide advocacy, counseling and
important, not only to get exposure support for family violence and sexual assault
for your business, but because we are victims to empower them to lead safe, and
B called to help others in various ways violence-free lives, to promote community
My passion is to help individuals in awareness through education and training.
abusive relationships Domestic violence is During the month of October, Mary
real It happens in all communities and within Lou and I had a Pound Cake Fundraiser to
all social economic classes Victims don’t benefit the FSC I want to thank everyone who
wake up one day and say ”Hey, I think I want
to be in an abusive relationship ” It happens purchased one of
over time The abuser gains control over the Mary Lou’s famous
victim in multiple ways, and by the time it is pound cakes We
realized, the victim is scare and unsure how to raised $1,005. These
escape funds will be put to
I am currently a Board Member of great use to help
the Family Sunshine Center (FSC) The FSC victims
operates out of Montgomery but provides Find your
services in Autauga, Butler, Chilton, Crewshaw, passion and do what
Elmore, Lowndes and Montgomery counties you can to help
The mission of the FSC is to end family violence others.■
and sexual assault, to foster hope and healing, uLisa Hillu
to offer immediate response and a safe haven
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8 Alabama Propane Gas Association | November / December 2018