P. 13


      ·  Emotions:  Expressing  and  having  strong  feelings.  Many
      children there days are destroyed because they can’t get hold of
      their emotions, little things are broken down and depression set in as

      a result of the taught of suicide. More especially when it comes to
      the opposite sex (Songs of Solomon 8:4; Ecclesiastes 3:1) ''Young
      women of Jerusalem, I charge you, do not stir up or awaken love
      until  the  appropriate  time  (CSBV).  This  has  killed  so  many
      dreams, potential/ talent distracted, some lost focus of their goals in
      life,  while  some  kill  and  commit  suicide  because  of  what  they

      assume to be love and mostly in women. How can a girl- child be
      following/waiting  for  a  man  who  is  living  his  life  in  fullness,
      fornicating around and making babies in the name of baby mama's
      and whiling away your time not that he is married to you, He doesn't
      even consider your feeling, your health etc. and what becomes of
      your  future?.  Help  build  your  children's  emotional  intelligence.
      This  is  the  ability  to  understand,  use,  and  manage  your  own
      emotions in positive ways to relieve stress or tension. It is very

      necessary because it affects every aspect of your child's life e.g.
      during exams some will start having exam fever etc. It helps to build
      self-confidence  and  self-acceptance,  the  ability  to  let  go  of
      mistakes, the ability to accept and embrace change, show sensitivity
      to the feelings of other people and the ability to manage emotions in
      difficult situations. Maturity in life helps to handle some issues in

      life not really age but knowledge and experiences that make one
      mature. Another thing is the Spirit of God (Job 32: 6 – 9) '' I am
      young in years and you are old; that is why I was fearful, not
      daring  to  tell  you  what  I  know.  I  taught,' Age  should  speak;
      advanced years should teach wisdom. ‘But it is the Spirit in a
      person, the breath of the Almighty that gives them understanding.
      It  is  not  only  the  old  who  are  wise,  not  only  the  aged  who
      understand what is right.
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