Page 19 - July 2024 FINAL
P. 19                                                                                                                July  2024        19

                                                                                 agencies (and others) are always working to provide exciting growth and to enhance
                                                                                 opportunities. The economy of the Mohawk Valley continues to make great strides
                                                                                 and our potential is unlimited!
                                                                                   Education – Both the K-12 sector and our colleges make Education one of several
                                                                                 billion dollar industries in the region. With thousands of students and faculty,
                                                                                 Education serves as an economic engine for the community. Our schools and
                                                                                 colleges are magnets for companies looking to locate here. We have a strong pipeline
                                                                                 that includes area schools, colleges and businesses. We also have excellent workforce
                                                                                 and training programs to assist employers and workers.
                                                                                   Healthcare  – Healthcare  is an industry that continues to be transformational.
                                                          by Raymond J. Durso, Jr.,   Recently, the Genesis Group hosted a forum with the CEO’s from Bassett Healthcare
                                                              President/CEO      Network  (Staci Thompson),  Mohawk Valley  Health  System  – WYNN  Hospital
           “Reasons to Call Mohawk                          The Genesis Group    (Darlene Stromstad), Rome Health (AnneMarie Czyz) and Oneida Health (Felissa
                                                                                 Koernig). Together, they addressed some of the challenges they are dealing with.
                    Valley Home”                                                 More importantly, they discussed opportunities for expansion, growth, new and
                                                                                 enhanced services and the benefits of their collaborations. Some of these projects
        Do you ever wonder why we live here in the Mohawk Valley region? Perhaps you’re
      a native, or maybe it was a job or a relationship that brought you here. There are   are big and include hurdles - but that is fine. Our healthcare leaders are focused on
      many reasons we can be proud to “Call the Mohawk Valley Home.” The title “Call   achieving their goals and working to provide the best healthcare services to our
      Mohawk Valley Home” was used previously by Mohawk Valley EDGE for a web
      portal to offer information on area education, employment, economic development,   Tourism/Arts & Culture – Central New York and the Mohawk Valley region have
      cultural venues, events and many other resources important to one’s quality of life.   become a year-round destination. With our new Nexus Center, we are attracting
      I thought it was a good title for today’s message.                         visitors from across the globe. Tourism is one of New York State’s top industries and
        In 2000, when the Genesis Group began, the very first project we did was to look at   our region is a major contributor. The region has a plethora of events and attractions
      studies that had been prepared to see how the region could grow and become better.   and we are  known for our quality food. “The word is out about our Chicken Riggies,
                                                                                 Italian Greens and of course Tomato Pie.” Our region has something for everyone!
      We reviewed (25) studies (valued at $1.2 million). These studies were done from
      1970 thru 2000, and revealed that the region had strong industries in Education,   Banking & Finance/Insurance – For a moment, just think of all the banks, credit
      Healthcare, Tourism, Arts and Culture, Banking and Finance, Insurance and Agri-  unions and insurance companies we have. Now think of all the transactions taking
      Business.  The Genesis Group saw an opportunity and prepared a compilation of   place on a daily and weekly basis. These sectors represent a significant impact on
      more than (165) projects and ideas that we and others could implement to help   the economy while employing hundreds of people. They also involve the use of
      create positive impact for our towns, villages and cities. That project became   data analytics. We are fortunate to have good jobs in these industries.
      the basis of how (and why) the Genesis Group became established as a regional   Agri-Business – Agri-Business is also one of New York’s top industries. Agriculture
      organization focusing on the community.                                    impacts society in many ways, including: supporting livelihoods through food,
        Today - 24 years later,  I believe those same industries still represent potential for   habitat, and jobs; providing raw materials for food and other products; and building
      growth. Combined, they define our community and can be referred to as “sectors.”   strong economies through trade. The Mohawk Valley region is a top contributor to
      Many of them have a significant impact. Let’s take a look at some of them:  Agri-business, and we should appreciate our Farmers for all they do!
        Economic Development –Programs, policies and activities seek to improve the   There is so much more to write about this community. While most news is positive,
      economic well-being and quality of life of a community. The most notable form of   challenges do exist. We are not immune to them because all communities have
      economic development is identifying ways to incentivize and attract new businesses   challenges. But we need to focus on opportunities. Let’s appreciate and learn from
      and jobs. The Mohawk Valley region has many business parks and areas with small   our past, enjoy the present and look forward to a brighter future. This is our home.
      and large companies employing hundreds of people. Our economic development   Let’s  “Call the Mohawk Valley Home” because we have so many reasons to do so!

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