Page 24 - July 2024 FINAL
P. 24

24     July  2024                                                                                                 

           NEW HARTFORD

           PAST TIMES                                                                   July 2024
                                                                                           May 2022


           New Harford Historical Society pairs with First Source Federal
                  Credit Union to help Honor our Hometown Heroes!

        There is no greater piece of a community’s history than the Veterans that served to protect it! Since the
       inception of the “Hometown Heroes” banner program in Utica just a few short years ago, the popularity
   NEW HARTFORD   of the banners has spread like wildfire into the surrounding communities. Last year many banners
       dotted the streets of both the Town and Village of New Hartford as families purchased the banners

       to honor their loved ones. The program allows for banners purchased to be displayed for three years,
       between Memorial Day in May and Veteran’s Day in November.
   PAST TIMES                       July 2024   Last years inaugural program in New Hartford was, to say the least, a tremendous success. When the

       application process opened this year, our Treasurer Ray Philo, who heads the Veteran’s project here at
       the Society, suggested we explore purchasing banners for those who no longer have family here or may
   NEW HARTFORD HISTORICAL SOCIETY   not be able to purchase them. The Board wholeheartedly agreed and through Ray’s efforts, secured
       a grant from First Source F.C.U. With their generous assistance, we purchased nine banners honoring
        PAST TIMES                       July 2024   many spanning those who served as far back to the Revolutionary War. These nine added to the nearly
       fifty additional banners purchased bringing nearly sixty new banners to the streets of New Hartford.

   NEW HARTFORD HISTORICAL SOCIETY   It was a pleasure honoring men and women from our “Hometown” who sacrificed so much for us,
          our community and the nation! We are looking forward to keep our participation in this worthwhile
       program going again next year. If any of our readers wish to support our banner project going forward,
               please send donations to the Society at P.O. Box 238, New Hartford, NY 13413 and note in the memo:           BECOME A

       “Banner Project”. All donations are tax deductible.                                                                   MEMBER!

                                                                                                                  Please stop in to visit  us  and
                                                                                                                Pictured above: Board Member Steve Grant
            BECOME A                                                                                              consider  becoming a member.
                                                                                                                    and Board President Jeff Madden.
             MEMBER!                                                                                              Membership  fees are $15  for
                                                                                                                  Individual, $20 for families, $25 for
    Please stop in to visit us and consider                                                                       Friend/Contributor  and  $50 for

                   BECOME A
 becoming a  member. Membership

    fees  are $15  for Individual, $20  for                                                                       Corporate members. The Historical

        Please stop in to visit us and consider
 families, $25  for  Friend/Contributor                                                                           Society is a  non-profit, tax

        becoming a  member. Membership
    and $50 for Corporate members. The                                                                            deductible organization.
        fees  are $15  for Individual, $20  for

    Historical Society is a non-profit, tax
        families, $25  for  Friend/Contributor
    deductible organization.                                                                                      Planning a

        and $50 for Corporate members. The
          Historical Society is a non-profit, tax                                                                 Class Reunion?
    Planning a

        deductible organization.

    Class Reunion?                                                                                                Make     the   Historical   Society
        Planning a

      Make the Historical Society Museum a                                                                        Museum a part of your itinerary!
        Class Reunion?

    part of your itinerary! Schedule the                                                                          Schedule the Saturday of  your

        Make the Historical Society Museum a
    Saturday of your  reunion  for your                                                                           reunion for your group to explore

        part of your itinerary! Schedule the
                                           - Edward Goggin -
                                                                                                                                  - Vera Marshall -
                                                                                                    - Lindsay Grove -
                                                                     - Christopher Green -
    group to explore our collection of    Well known Village       Born, raised and educated     Born and raised, a 1941     Beloved Library Aid in New
                                                                                                                  our collection of yearbooks, scrap

        Saturday of your  reunion  for your
    yearbooks, scrap books,  local relics   businessman and 25yr   in New Hartford Schools and   graduate of New Hartford H.S.   Hartford Schools for many

                                                                                                                  books, local relics and photos. Look
        group to explore our collection of

                                                                                                                  up your New Hartford home!
        yearbooks, scrap books,  local relics
    and photos. Look up  your New       member of New Hartford   currently serving with Town of   He flew 32 combat missions   years. Her banner is at the
        and photos. Look up  your New                            Webb P.D. Banner at the corner   in P-51 Mustang fighters and   corner of Oxford Road and
                                       Fire Dept. (1952-1977). His
                                                                                                                  Call 315-724-7258 to schedule
            - Jedediah Sanger -
 Hartford home!                         banner is in front of 14   of Genesee Street and Route   amassed over 180 combat         Gateshead Road.

        Hartford home!
                                                                                                                  your group.
          Founder of New Hartford.
    Call 315-724-7258 to schedule your       Genesee St.           12 South (across from Utica   hours. His banner is in front of
        Call 315-724-7258 to schedule your

       Banner at the corner of Oxford
 group.  group.                                                           National).            One Genny on Genesee St.
         Road and Sanger Avenue.
                                                                                                                  Museum is Open
                                                                                                                  To the Public

                                                                                                                  Currently by appointment.

                                                                                                                  FREE ADMISSION
                                       New Hartford Historical Society
                                               ~ Membership Form ~                                                Village Point Apt. Building
             Please check one of the following:
                                                                                                                  2 Paris Road – 315-724-7258
                  $15   Individual
          [   ]
            Museum is Open             Name:
          [   ]
        To the Public
         Museum is Open  $20   Family   Address:

        Currently by appointment.
                  $25   Contributing
          [   ]

       To the Public   $50   Corporate  Phone:
          [   ]

                     Currently by appointment.

        Village Point Apt. Building    E-Mail:  - Edward Masel -     - Lena Ward Risley - Army      - Jacob Schafer -            - Harry Stevens -
                                         Popular High School teacher
                                                                      Nurse, served at Rhoads
        2 Paris Road – 315-724-7258     and coach with New Hartford   Hospital where she met her   Resided on Merritt Place,   Well known Mortician
          [   ]
                                                                                                 New Hartford.  WWI Vet
                                                                                                                                in Village and served
                                                      Please send check made payable to:
                  New Member
          [   ]
                     FREE ADMISSION      for nearly 4 decades. Banner   husband. Went on to work   succumbed to influenza while   14yrs with NHFD 1911-

      Village Point Apt. Building        displayed in front of old High   as an RN at Faxton Hospital   in France. Banner at the   1925. Banner in front of
                                                      New Hartford Historical Society
       2 Paris Road – 315-724-7258    Bradley Elementary) on Oxford Rd.  Banner in front of 147   (Route 5) and Genesee Street.  St. Stephen’s Church on
                                                                                                 corner of Seneca Turnpike
                                                                P.O. Box 238
                                        School (now Admin offices and
                                                                       and later Broadacres.

                                                                                                                                   Oxford Road.

                                                                          Oxford Road.
                                                    Like Us on Facebook    New Hartford, N.Y. 13413

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