Page 26 - July 2024 FINAL
P. 26

26     July  2024                NO COLOR                                                                         

                                                        only takes 4 trucks to accomplish. The rest of the crew   and the Highway Superintendent’s pickup.
                                                        will work on curbside trash pickup during that month.  The town will be setting up a meeting with home
                                                         The Town Highway Department along with the New   owners and businesses in a couple of weeks, to talk
                                                        Hartford Public Library, again hosted the “Touch the   about the first phase of the project in Chadwicks on
                                                        Truck” event in the library’s parking lot. This year the   Oneida Street from Elm Street to Grange Hill Rd. This
                                                        New Hartford Police and Fire Departments joined the   is the start of the Historical Chadwicks project.
                                                        Highway  Department with two  vehicles.  The  Police   If you are out and about, check out the Veterans Park
                                                        Department also had their drones on display. This was a   with new fountain, stamp concrete, LED lighting and
                                                        huge success for the Highway Department, Library, Fire   new landscaping. The park is located across the street
                                                        Department, and Police Department. We distributed   from Utica National Insurance. The crews are also
                                                        hard hats for the children to wear as they went from   working on the dog park at Sherrill Brook Park with
                                                        vehicle to vehicle, to look and learn about the different   new drainage, turf, and black fencing.
                                                        equipment. We estimate there were about 350-400 in   Another project we are working on is a detention pond
         New Hartford Highway News                      attendance with parents and/or grandparents. The John  off Roman Rd. Mallory Rd is also moving forward on
                                                        Deere payloader had the longest waiting line to get in  the detention pond for flooding.
       submitted by Richard Sherman, Highway Superintendent  the cab and I believe won the most interesting piece of   The Town Highway crew is working on mowing the
        I want to start by saying curbside pick-up was  equipment. Other equipment at the event included a  town ROW on the Town roads and County roads.
       changed to the fall, so the Highway Department could  small Bobcat for sidewalk cleaning in the winter, the  Please use caution when you see the mowing ahead
       use the month of June for storm water projects that  John Deere front end loader with a 3cubic yd bucket, a  signs out.
       are ongoing and new projects that have been on the  street sweeper, the Western Star 10-wheel dump truck,   If you have any questions, please call me at (315)733-
       waiting list for some time. The month of October is  the new 10 wheeler snow plow with double wings, a   7500 or (315)534-2998  or  e-mail me at rsherman@
       less busy with our employees doing leaf pick-up, which  new plow truck with a single axel, the new sewer truck
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