Page 25 - July 2024 FINAL
P. 25


   PAST TIMES                       July 2024



 Please stop in to visit us and consider
 becoming a  member. Membership
 fees  are $15  for Individual, $20  for
 families, $25  for  Friend/Contributor
 and $50 for Corporate members. The
 Historical Society is a non-profit, tax
 deductible organization.

 Planning a
 Class Reunion?

 Make the Historical Society Museum a

 part of your itinerary! Schedule the
   PAST TIMES                       July 2024
 Saturday of your  reunion  for your

 group to explore our collection of


 yearbooks, scrap books,  local relics

 and photos. Look up  your New
                                NO COLOR

 Hartford home!

 Call 315-724-7258 to schedule your


                                2022     BECOME A                                                                                                                July  2024        25
                                                                       NHFD News                          will take place. They are: Fastest Gear Contest and the
                                                                                                           Two popular contests between the various departments
         NEW HARTFORD  Your New Hartford Volunteer Fire Department                                        Ice Cream Eating Contest. Individuals at the event
                        BECOME A
                                                        responded to 75 alarms during the month of May 2024
           PAST TIMES                                   as indicated by the monthly call report listed below by   will be able to scan a special QR code to vote for the
                                                                                            May 2022 following: Best Appearing Pump Engine, Tanker,
                                                                                                          Tower/Ladder, Rescue, Squad,  Ambulance, Antique

         Please stop in to visit us and consider
                                                         Fires = 1
           NEW HARTFORD HISTORICAL SOCIETY                                                                and the Department traveling the farthest distance.
                                                         EMS = 38
         becoming a  member. Membership
                                                                                                           This event is made possible thanks to our sponsors that
         fees  are $15  for Individual, $20  for         Hazardous = 8                                    include: A&P Master Images; Amicable Lodge # 664
                                                         Service Type = 8
         families, $25  for  Friend/Contributor Good Intent = 8                                           F. & A.M.; Edwards Ambulance Service; Excellus BC/
                                                                                                          BS; FJ Basile, CPAs, PC; Gates-Cole Insurance Agency;
         and $50 for Corporate members. The              Other Alarms = 12                                GPO  Federal  Credit  Union;  Indium  Corporation;
                                                                                                          JPJ Electronics; New Hartford Safe and Lock; Nicky
                                                         Overpressure = 0
            Historical Society is a non-profit, tax      Mutual Aid = 1                                   Doodles; Pavia Real Estate; PJ Green; Rockford Auto
         deductible organization.
                                                                                                          Glass; Scharf Plumbing and Drain; Standard Insulating
                                                         Weather Related = 0                              Company; Steet-Ponte Auto Group; Tallman's Tire; The
                                                         Other = 0
            Planning a                                   Total Calls for the Month of May 2024 = 75.      Fountainhead Group; The Travelers; and Trainor.
                     BECOME A
                                                                                                           In addition, there will be a possibility of a live remote
         Class Reunion?
                                                         Of the 75 alarms, 70 were in the town and 4 were in  from Big Frog 104. The Fire Truck Spectacular will be
                                                        the village with I mutual aid alarm.
                                                                                                          held rain or shine. Admission is free. Visit the New
            Make the Historical Society Museum a         Total alarms year-to-date through May 31, 2024 = 526. Hartford Volunteer Fire Department's website for more
         Please stop in to visit  us  and
 Museum is Open                                                                                           details at: and the NHFD Facebook page

         consider  becoming a member.
         part of your itinerary! Schedule the Some of the calls listed above - such as Fires, EMS,

         Saturday of your  reunion  for your
         Membership  fees are $15  for
    To the Public                                       and Hazardous - are self-explanatory. Others such   for current updates and news about the department.
                                                        as Service, Good Intent and Other Alarms are not.
         Individual, $20 for families, $25 for
         group to explore our collection of  Service Calls includes water or animal problems, public

         yearbooks, scrap books,  local relics
         Friend/Contributor  and
 Currently by appointment.  $50 for                     assistance or standbys. Good Intent refers to responding
            and photos. Look up  your New
                                                        but did not find anything or canceled in route. Other
         Corporate members. The Historical
                                                        alarms include explosions, carbon monoxide, smoke or
         Hartford home!  non-profit, tax
         Society is a
         deductible organization.
                     FREE ADMISSION                     sprinkler detector activations.
                                                         The figures above do not include other activities by
         Call 315-724-7258 to schedule your

                                                        members of the department such as Fire Prevention

 Village Point Apt. Building                            details, training, parades, Open House and other
          Planning a

    2 Paris Road – 315-724-7258                         various  department  committee  meetings  that  take                  BECOME A

                                                        place throughout the year.
         Class Reunion?
                                                             New Hartford Volunteer                                 Please stop in to visit  us  and
       Email:                      20th Anniversary Fire Truck                               consider  becoming a member.

                                                           Fire Department Schedules

         Museum a part of your itinerary!
                                                                                                                    Membership  fees are $15  for
                                                          Spectacular in New Location
              Schedule the Saturday of  your             The New Hartford Volunteer Fire Department's               Individual, $20 for families, $25 for
                                                                                                                    Friend/Contributor  and  $50 for
         reunion for your group to explore
           our collection of yearbooks, scrap           20th Annual Fire Truck Spectacular will be held on          Corporate members. The Historical
                                                                                                                    Society is a  non-profit, tax
                                               Like Us on Facebook   Thursday evening, July 18, 2024, from 6 to 9 p.m. in  Tradewinds Education Center

         books, local relics and photos. Look
                                                                                                                    deductible organization.
           up your New Hartford home!                   a new location - Sangertown Square – Macy’s wing      Celebrates 2024 Graduates
                                                        parking lot. Also, new this year will be the addition of
           Call 315-724-7258 to schedule                several Food Trucks.                               Commencement  ceremonies for Upstate Caring
                                                                                                                    Planning a
           your group.                                   Fire and Emergency Medical Service apparatus from   Partners’ Tradewinds Education Center graduates in
                                                                                                                    Class Reunion?
                                                                                                          Utica, Rome, and Chadwicks occurred last week on
                                                        are expected to participate. “This show provides an
                                                        throughout Oneida and Herkimer counties and beyond   their respective campuses. Graduates celebrated this
                                                                                                          milestone with friends, family, and staff as they received
         Museum is Open                                 opportunity for the public to see the various pieces of   their diplomas, sporting the traditional cap and gown
         Museum is Open
                                                                                                                    Museum a part of your itinerary!
         To the Public                                  equipment and the latest technology currently used in   synonymous with this significant lifetime achievement.
          To the Public
                                                        the fire service. It also provides the public with a chance
                                                                                                                    Schedule the Saturday of  your
         Currently by appointment.                      to ask questions and interact with emergency services   “Graduation is a momentous occasion for any young
                                                                                                                    reunion for your group to explore
           Currently by appointment.                    personnel in an informal setting. Our goal is to inspire   individual, serving as the culmination of several years’
                                                                                                          worth  of  hard work,”  says  Jeremy  Earl,  Executi
                                                                                                                    our collection of yearbooks, scrap ve
                                                        individuals to join their local department,” said Roy
                                                                                                                    books, local relics and photos. Look
                     FREE ADMISSION                     Schultz, Event Chairman. “This event provides for a   Vice President of Education Services. “It is an honor,
                                                                                                          and a privilege, to celebrate the many remarkable
                                                                                                                    up your New Hartford home!
                                                        great family atmosphere!”

         Village Point Apt. Building                     Various fire apparatus, both old and new, will be on   achievements of our Tradewinds graduates. On behalf
                                                                                                                    Call 315-724-7258 to schedule
    New Hartford Historical Society   2 Paris Road – 315-724-7258   display including new firefighting technology and   of our administrators, staff, and Board of Directors, we
                                                                                                                    your group.
 ~ Membership Form ~                                    equipment. Local ambulance services, fire equipment   want to wish our graduates all the best in their future
    Please check one of the following:   Village Point Apt. Building   vendors, all area volunteer and paid fire departments   endeavors.”
                                                                                                                    Museum is Open
         Email:                  have been invited. "This is an opportunity to meet with   The   Tradewinds Education Center provides
         2 Paris Road – 315-724-7258
                                                                                                                    To the Public
    [   ]   $15   Individual    Name:                   our fellow firefighters on a totally different level, while   excellence  in  education  and  residential  services  to
                                                                                                          children between the ages of 5 and 21 with differing
                                                        providing a valuable educational tool to inform the
                                                        public about the services the Fire and EMS companies   developmental or intellectual abilities. The Tradewinds
                                                                                                                    Currently by appointment.

       [   ]  $20   Family        Address:                            Like Us on Facebook   perform  within  their  respective  communities,"  said   Education Center is a private school approved by the

 [   ]   $25   Contributing                             Schultz.                                          New York State Education Department.
                                                                                                                    FREE ADMISSION
                                                                                                           The  primary focus of the Tradewinds program is
 [   ]   $50   Corporate  Phone:     New Hartford Historical Society                                      to provide a therapeutic environment for children,
                                             ~ Membership Form ~                                          supporting the development of social skills and
                                                                                                                    Village Point Apt. Building
 E-Mail:                                                                                                  communication. Each child sees a comprehensive
 [   ]   Renewal   Please check one of the following:                                                     approach taken by the education, clinical, and residential
                                                                                                                    2 Paris Road – 315-724-7258
 [   ]   New Member   Please send check made payable to:   [   ]   $15   Individual    Name:              staff. Our team works synergistically with families to
 New Hartford Historical Society   [   ]  $20   Family   Address:                                         develop and implement goals focused on each student's
    P.O. Box 238                                                                                          overall development to provide a supportive, positive
  New Hartford, N.Y. 13413   [   ]   $25   Contributing                                                   environment that nurtures learning and growth. Our
                                                                                                          state-of-the-art learning centers include classrooms,
       [   ]   $50   Corporate        Phone:                                                              gymnasium, outdoor recreation areas, music room and
                                      E-Mail:                                                             cafeteria, much like any other school.
       [   ]   Renewal                                                                                     For  more information on Upstate Caring Partners’
       [   ]   New Member                            Please send check made payable to:                   Tradewinds Education Center contact Jeremy Earl
                                                     New Hartford Historical Society             | 315-724-6907
                                                               P.O. Box 238
                                                        New Hartford, N.Y. 13413
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