Page 16 - September TownCrier 2024 FINAL fixed
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16    September 2024                                                                                              
                                                           NHFD Schedules Memorial

                                                                   9/11 Village Walk
                                                         On Sunday, September 8, 2024, the members
                                                        of  the  New  Hartford  Fire  Department  will  again
                                                        be  participating in  the  department’s  annual  9/11
                                                        memorial walk through the village of New Hartford.
                                                        This event will commemorate the 23rd anniversary of
                                                        the September 11th 2001terrorist attacks. Members
                                                        of the department will be walking in memory of all
                                                        of those that lost their lives on that day and for the             Boy with Flowers
                                                        people still suffering from the effects of that day. Please
                                                        take a moment to remember those that were lost and          CONNECTIONS –

                     NHFD News                          their families who miss them still today. This year we    Photography Exhibit
                                                        will invite the following departments to join us, The
        Unfortunately, the breakdown of the July alarms was  Willowvale Fire Company, Clayville Fire Department,   On display September 3 – 28, 2024  in the Gallery
      not available at press time. Therefore, both the July and  Sauquoit Fire Department, New York Mills fire   at the Utica Public Library, 303 Genesee Street in
      August breakdown of alarms will appear in the October  Department, Westmoreland Fire Department, Yorkville   downtown Utica.
      Town Crier issue.                                 Fire Department, Whitesboro Fire Department and    Special event - on Wednesday, September 11th. from
                                                        Clinton Fire Department, along with the Hew Hartford   4-6 pm, come and meet the Artist, enjoy the P.E.O.
        NHFD 20  Annual Fire Truck                      Police Department and Edwards Ambulance in honor   sponsored Reception and attend Ms. Laurenson’s
                                                        of the nearly 3,000 people lost on September 11, 2001.
          Spectacular a Huge Success                     The route for the 9/11 memorial walk is as follows:  Gallery Talk at 5:00, where she will share the stories

        The 20th annual New Hartford Volunteer Fire      • NHFD Station to Genesee St.                    behind her photos.
      Department’s  Fire  Truck Spectacular  proved to  be   • Genesee St. to Paris Road                   Laurenson has traveled extensively in Africa, Asia,
      another great success that featured 38 departments and   • Paris Road to Overbrook Cres             the Middle East and South America. She has selected
      over 79 pieces of both new and antique equipment.  • Overbrook Cres to Sanger Ave                   47 photos from her collection for this exhibit. Her
        The event held on the third Thursday in July drew an   • Sanger Ave to Pearl St.                  connection to people through photography illustrates
                                                                                                          the  universal  bonds  that  connect  us  all.  Her  photos
      estimated crowd of over 5,500.                                                                      allow us a glimpse into the activities of both adults and
        Although admission is free, individuals attending   • Pearl St. to Park St.                       children involved in everyday life.
      were asked to bring a non-perishable food item which   • Park St. to Oxford Rd.                      Alice is a former resident of Little Falls is co-founder of
      was collected for the local Feed Our Vets program.  • Oxford Rd. to Graham Ave                      the Little Falls Cheese Festival and long-time member
        The event continues to draw individuals and families   • Graham Ave to Bonnie Ln.                 of the Utica/New Hartford P.E.O.
      from all over Central New York. Fire Departments from   • Bonnie Ln. to Bohling Rd.
      Oneida, Herkimer, and Madison counties attended.   • Bohling Rd. to Oxford Rd.
        During the evening the public had the opportunity to   • Oxford Rd. to Hoffman Rd.                   Strategic Financial Services
      vote for its favorite department in several categories.   • Hoffman Rd. to Hartford Terr.              Donates $10,000 to Support
      This year’s winners are:                           • Hartford Terr. To Sherman St.                     Rome Business Community
        Best Appearing Pump/ Engine: Vernon FD.          • Sherman St. to Oxford Rd.                         After Devastating Tornado
        Best Appearing Ladder Truck/ Tower: Clinton FD.  • Oxford Rd. to Station
                                                                                                           Strategic  Financial  Services,  Inc.  ("Strategic"),  a
        Best Appearing Tanker: Willowvale FD.            This will total 3.43 miles, which will honor the 343   leading  independent  wealth  management  firm  based
        Best Appearing Rescue: Clayville FD.            FDNY members whose lives were lost on 9-11-2001.  in  Central  New  York,  has  announced  a  donation  of
        Best Appearing Squad: Utica FD.                  We will sound the station horn and start our walk at   $10,000 to the Rome Emergency Business Fund. This
        Best Appearing Ambulance: Edwards Ambulance     8:46 a.m., the same time that American Airlines Flight   fund has been established by the city of Rome, Oneida
                                                        11 crashed into the North Tower.
      Service.                                                                                            County, and the Rome Area Chamber of Commerce to
                                                         We will also sound the station horn again at the
        Best Appearing Antique: Privately Owned 1951 Mack.   following times:                             assist small businesses affected by the tornado on July
      (Formerly owned by NHFD).                          9:03 a.m. – United Airlines Flight 175 crashed into the   16th.
        The  department  traveling  the  farthest  distance:   South Tower.                                “We are incredibly proud to be part of the Rome
      Madison County EMS.                                9:37 a.m. - American Airlines Flight 77 crashed into   business community,” said Alan Leist III, CEO. “Since
        This event is made possible thanks to our sponsors   the Pentagon.                                opening our Rome office in 2022, under the leadership
      that include: Tallman's Tire, Steet-Ponte Auto Group,   10:03 a.m. - United Airlines Flight 93 crashed near   of Rome native and former Rome Area Chamber of
      Edwards Ambulance Service, Gates-Cole Insurance   Shanksville, Pennsylvania  after passengers  and crew   Commerce  President,  Greg  Mattacola,  Esq.,  CFP®,
      Agency,  GPO  Federal  Credit  Union,  Nicky  Doodles,   stormed the cockpit. Forty people on board lost their   we have witnessed firsthand the resilience and strength
      The  Travelers,  A&P  Master  Images,  JPJ  Electronics,   lives.                                   of this community. We have no doubt that, together,
      New Hartford Safe and Lock, PJ Green, Amicable Lodge   Each of the members walking will carry the name of   Rome will rebuild and emerge stronger than ever,”
      # 664 F. & A.M., Rockford Auto Glass, DG Perry CPSs,   a New York City Firefighter (FDNY) with them during   added Leist.
      Pavia Real Estate Services, Trainor, Excellus Blue Cross/   the walk and read their name, as they ring a bell, in   If  you  are  a  local  business  looking  for  financial
      Blue Shield, Indium Corporation, Standard Insulating   remembrance of them on that day in front of our station.  support, the application can be found out here:
      Company, Scharf Plumbing and Drain, The Fountain                                           
                                                         All the Volunteers walking in remembrance of 9/11
      Head Group, Sangertown Square and Big Frog 104.   appreciate the support of our community.           If you are interested in donating to the fund, please
        Mark your calendars now for next year’s event which   “No Day Shall Erase You from The Memory of Time”  send an email to
      is scheduled for Thursday, July 17, 2025.                   Assistant Chief Richard Alexander Jr.,   For  more information about Strategic Financial
        For additional information please visit www.nhfd.            9/11 Committee Chairperson           Services, Inc., please visit
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