Page 17 - May 2024 TC FINAL
P. 17                                                                                                                May  2024         17

                                                                                                          unable to be brought to the Highway Garage, and need
                                                                                                          to  be  picked  up  at  a  residence.  The  tag  this  year  is
                                                                                                          again $5.00 per item and can be purchased at the Town
                                                                                                          Clerk’s  Office,  8635  Clinton  Street,  New  Hartford.
                                                                                                          Please  pick  up  tags  no  later  than  the  Friday  before
                                                                                                          the  first  Monday  of  every  month.  This  service  will
                                                                                                          be suspended in the month of October for the annual
                                                                                                          curbside  garbage  pickup  in  front  of  the  residences.
                                                                                                          On May 11th there will be a garbage drop off at the
                                                                                                          Highway Garage from 7:00 a.m. until noon. We will
                                                                                                          also  be  offering  the  CONFIDATA  DESTRUCTION
                                                                                                          SERVICE for shredding of private papers, on-site from
                                                                                                          8:00 a.m. until noon for our constituents. Each person
            Celebrate Motherhood!                                        Richard Sherman                  is limited to ten boxes of papers to shred.
                                                                                                           The  Highway  Department  will  be  displaying  our
        Mother’s Day this year is Sunday, May 12th, 2024. It   New Hartford Highway News                  heavy equipment again this year at the New Hartford
      is a day to celebrate Motherhood and show appreciation   submitted by Highway Superintendent, Richard Sherman  Public Library on Saturday, June 15th from 10:00 a.m.
      for   mothers,   including   (great)   grandmothers,   The Highway Department has a busy schedule in the   until  noon,  for  the  annual  “Touch  the  Truck”  event.
      stepmothers, foster mothers and other mother figures.   month of May. Our crews are out sweeping roadways,   Touch the Truck is a huge success every year, which
      We  have  a  very  large  selection  of  items  that  would   sweeping town sidewalks, and picking up green waste   brings  children  and  parents  together  to  see  what  the
      make wonderful Mother’s Day gift.                 and  brush.  When  putting  out  the  brush  and  leftover   Town uses for plowing and sweeping roads, loaders,
        Our  Quilled  Mother’s  Day-Wild  Flowers  card  is  a   leaves from last fall, please separate the piles. Don’t   and the equipment kids see go by their houses every
      labor  of  love.  Each  Quilled  card  (made  in Vietnam)   mix them. If your pile is unusually large, please don’t   day. Our new equipment will be on display as well. Our
      takes one hour to create by hand. They are so lovely,   hesitate to call for a special pick-up. The road crew will   Deputy, Chris Moran, and I will be available to answer
      some of our customers have had them framed.       be cleaning ditches on roads that may be paved this   any questions. We will also be handing out yellow hard
        Our Beehive Silver Necklace from India is the bee’s   summer.                                     hats to the children.
      knees! This silver-plated brass necklace features your   I want to thank all the homeowners for their patience   As  always,  please  don’t  hesitate  to  contact  me  at
      favorite  pollinator  resting  on  a  honeycomb-shaped   as your highway employees work diligently to collect,  Town  Highway
      pendant. It has a lobster clasp.                  branches and brush from the town’s 82 miles of streets.   Garage 315-733-7500 or my cell phone 315-534-2998.
        These  and  many,  many  more  uniquely  handcrafted   Recently you should have received in the mail, your
      gift items can be found at our Fair Trade Shop, Stone   town’s annual Trash & Brush Collection Schedule for
      Presbyterian  Church,  8  So.  Park  Row,  Clinton.  Our   2024, outlining curbside brush and garbage schedule
      regular  hours  are  10am  to  4pm  every  Thursday  and   and drop off at the Highway Garage. The schedule is
      SECOND  Saturdays.  Purchasing  fair  trade  items   also  on  the  town’s  website  at  townofnewhartfordny.
      ensures  artisans  and  small  farmers  fair  wages  and   gov.  Go  to  Highway  Department,  click  on  curbside
      healthy  working  conditions,  providing  dignity,   and the schedule will pop up. You can also stop by the
      sustainable  development  and  hope  for  marginalized   Town Hall and pick up a schedule, if you didn’t receive
      people. Let us be your go-to Gift Shop!           one.
        Visit us at or   Again, this year we will be offering our tag service   from  April  through  September,  for  items  that  are

                                                                                      Deck Restoration
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                                                                                                    Quality work since 1984
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