Page 3 - May 2024 TC FINAL
P. 3                                                                                                                May  2024          3

        Homecare Your Way, LLC

           Empowering Independence at Home                                                                                                Offering

                           Private Companion                                                                                                Yoga
                                                                                                                                         Meditation &
                          Services for Seniors                          call/text : 315-335-1704                                        Healing Arts to
                          24/7 Care Available                           email                                                          The Community
         3985 Oneida St. Suite 103, New Hartford                        website
          Office Hours M-F 9a-5p • (315)316-0258                     Yoga Shala is located in the
                                                                        instagram : @house2sellcallmichelel
         Suzana Sukunda (315)542-2068                                                                              Lovely Village of Clinton
                                     Licensed Real Estate Salesperson

            New Hartford Post 1376

              Auxiliary Sponsoring
                    Chicken BBQ
        8616 Clinton Street, New Hartford
                Saturday, May 18           th                                                                         Michael Gyory and Agi Keleti

                 11am - til sold out
              1/2 chicken, salt potatoes,                                                                    Annual Holocaust Program,
                                                                                                                             May 9
                    coleslaw and roll
                                                                                                           Please join us for the Annual Helen and Leon Sperling
                      Donation $15                                                                        Holocaust Program on Thursday, May 9, 7:30, at the
           Same day or bring on Friday -                                                                  Jewish  Community  Center,  Utica.    Our  speaker  is
           Bottle and Can Drive for                                                                       Michael  Gyory,  the  son  of  Hungarian  survivors.  He
                   Feed Our Vets                                                                          will talk about his life as the child of survivors, and
                                                                                                          also  growing  up  as  the  nephew  of  his  Dad’s  6  first
                                                                                                          cousins, all of whom survived the horrors of war and
                                                                                                          the concentration camps. One of these cousins, Aunt
                                                                                                          Agi,  is  alive  at  103  and  still  holds  an  athletic  world
                                                                                                          record. He will share her amazing story with us.
                                                                                                           Prior to 1944 most Jews in Hungary were protected
                                                                                                          from  deportation  to  German  extermination  camps.
                                                                                                          However they were subject to a prolonged period of
                                                                                                          terrible  oppression  by  anti-Jewish  laws  that  imposed
                                                                                                          limits on their participation in public and economic life.
              Drive-Thru Pie Sale!                                                                        From the start of the German occupation of Hungary in
        The  Women’s  Association  of  Stone  Presbyterian                                                1944, Jews and Roma (gypsies) were deported to  the
      Church, 8 So. Park Row, Clinton, will hold a Drive-                                                 Auschwitz concentration camp.
      thru  Pie  Sale  from  10am  to  2pm  on  Saturday,  May   First United Methodist Church of New Hartford  Michael  Gyori  has  a  master’s  degree  from  the
      18th, 2024.                                                        Rummage Sale                     Annenberg School of the University of Pennsylvania.
        They  will  have  several  different  types  of  delicious                                        He is a member of Generations Forward, a group of
      homemade pies available for your shopping pleasure!     First United Methodist Church of New Hartford  second and third generation people sponsored by the
        You  can  drive  up  to  the  curb  and  purchase  a  pie   105 Genesee Street, New Hartford, NY  Holocaust  and  Human  Rights  Education  Center  of
                                                                                                          White Plains. He is also the Chairman of the Board of
      without leaving your vehicle. The proceeds from this                                                that organization.
      sale will go to the various mission organizations that         Thursday 5/2/24 5 to 7 pm
      we support annually. Come visit us, you won’t regret it!                                             We are fortunate to have Mr. Gyory with us. His talk
      For more information, contact Ceil Gilbert (315-853-          Friday 5/3/24 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.        will appeal to teens and adults, and we encourage you
      8289), or Donna Goodfriend at   Saturday 5/4/24 9 a.m. to Noon BAG SALE $5/each  to invite friends and neighbors.  There is no charge for
      315-749-4085.                                                                                       the program.

                                                                                                     In Memory of our Moms...

                                                                                                     We wish yours a very

                                                                                                         Happy Mother’s

                                    and promo items!                                    Airiina                                                Helen
                                                                                  Kolehmainen- Luttinen                                    Slymon-Hage
            May Promo Item Special                                                   Marimekko & Ritva Falla Clothing • Woodford Reserve Bourbon Balls from Kentucky
                                                                    Scan here for     Lafco Candles, Iittala , Alessi, Olbrish handbags, Contemporary Watches & Jewelry
                                                                    quick access
                    Bassett II Pen                                  to our promo                 Bedhead pajamas, Marimekko for you and your home
                                                                     items site!
        Only 35¢/ea. when you purchase 300+!
                    (Originally .60¢/ea)                                                            Fabulous gifts and indulgences

        Email to start your order!                                      4661 Commercial Dr. New Hartford • 315-736-5660
                                                                                                             (Located in Hage Carpet)
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