Page 30 - May 2024 TC FINAL
P. 30
30 May 2024
5/13 — 10 a.m. PEO
5/13 — 7:15 p.m. New Hartford Presbyterian Women ZION LUTHERAN CHURCH
5/14 — 12:30 p.m. Adult Study Group 630 French Road, New Hartford
5/15 — 10 a.m. Sew ’n Sews Interim Pastor William Preuss
5/15 — 6 p.m. 4-H Sunday Mornings at 10 AM
5/19 — Pentecost Sunday Al-Anon Meetings, Wednesdays at 12:30 PM
FIRST UNITED METHODIST CHURCH 5/19 — 6 p.m. Girl Scouts 315-732-4110,
105 Genesee Street, New Hartford (315)733-4227 5/20 — 12:30 p.m. Adult Study Group Rev. David McKinney 5/22 — 10 a.m. Sew ’n Sews Visit us on Facebook at:
Sunday Services: 5/25 — 3 p.m. Hope House Meal Preparation Zion Lutheran Church, New Hartford, NY
10am Classic Worship 5/25 — 4 p.m. Jam for Jesus TABERNACLE BAPTIST CHURCH
Sunday School for children begins around 10:20 5/27 — Memorial Day NHP Nursery School and Church 13 Clark Place, Utica 315-735-7534
Adult Sunday school 11-12pm Building Closed
Sunday Youth Group 7-8pm 5/28 — 12:30 p.m. Adult Study Group Facebook: Tabernacle Baptist Church
Supervised Nursery Care during Worship 5/29 — 10 a.m. Sew ’n Sews We are together in our diversity! Come worship with us!
Fellowship Coffee Hour following Worship Service 5/29 — 6 p.m. 4H Saturday 6 p.m. Young Adult Worship & Study
Praise/Worship Services are the 3rd Wed. of each month. Sunday 10 a.m. English Worship Service
Light supper will begin at 5:30 and worship is from 6-7pm MARY, MOTHER OF OUR SAVIOR PARISH Sunday 10:15 a.m. Sunday School for children in English
Our Church Building is open for in-person worship services Business Office - 2 Barton Ave, Utica - 315-724-3155 and in Karen
Or watch our livestream service online at Our Lady of the Rosary Campus - 1736 Burrstone Rd. New Sunday 11:30 a.m. Karen Worship Service and 2nd-Hour
Easily accessible building, sanctuary, and bathroom. Hartford Sunday School
ST. JOHN THE EVANGELIST CHURCH Weekday Mass– Mon, Wed, Fri 8:00 AM Pastors Rev. Debbie Kelsey and Rev. Htee Gay
Novena to Miraculous Medal of Mary Tuesday 7:00 PM
66 Oxford Road - 315-732-8521 Rev. Msgr. James Lang Our Lady of Lourdes Campus - 2222 Genesee St. – Utica BIBLE BAPTIST CHURCH
Saturday: Vigil 5:15 p.m. Confessions 6:15pm Weekend Mass – Saturday 4:00 PM 4431 Middle Settlement Rd., New Hartford, NY 13413
Sunday Masses: 8am & 11am Sunday 8:30 & 10:30 AM Brian Demers, Pastor
We are handicapped accessible! Sunday School for all ages: 9:30 a.m.
317 Oriskany Blvd, Whitesboro - 315-797-4520 Cor. Pinnacle Rd. & Mohawk St., Sauquoit Sunday Evening Bible Study: 5:00 p.m.
Senior Pastor, Bobby Allen Office: 315-737-7505 email: Wednesday Evening Bible Study and Kids4Truth Children’s
Sunday Services: Pastor: Robbin Harris Program: 6:45 p.m.
8:30am – 9:00am Breakfast Sunday Worship 11:30 a.m. (Nursery Care Available) Adult Sunday School Class - Adult Sunday School class for
9:00am – 10:30am Study Groups Sunday School 9:30 a.m. For all ages. couples. Strengthening Your Marriage by Wayne Mack.
10:30am – 12noon Worship Service Handicapped Accessible Sunday School begins at 9:30. A safe and loving nursery is
Website: available as well as other classes for all ages - kids, teens,
Sunday Morning Services streamed live FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH OF NH and adults.
Pastor Bobby’s message available at our website 7 Oxford Road - Office phone: 315-733-4570 Handicapped accessible. Nursery Provided.
We are handicapped accessible!
Virtual Service every Sunday at 9:30am
4291 Middle Settlement Road, New Hartford on Facebook “First Baptist of New Hartford” A Foursquare Gospel Church
General Office: 315-732-1349 Rev. Andy Ward, Pastor Sunday Service - 9:30am 1415 Sunset Ave. Utica, NY 13502. 315-797-7775 Sunday School - 11:00am Robert Tanner, Pastor
Morning Worship: 9:30am Handicapped Accessible. All are welcome. Sunday: 10 am
Communion First Sunday of the Month. NEW LIFE APOSTOLIC CHURCH
Fridays: Christian Service Brigade - 7pm ST. GEORGE ORTHODOX CHURCH 3995 Oneida Street #4, New Hartford
Sundays: Jr. & Sr. High Youth Fellowship - 6pm 350 Higby Road, New Hartford, 315-292-6682 315-736-1161 Facebook: NLAC4all
Hope Alliance Church is handicapped accessible. Fr. George Goodge Paster Mark Waterman
ST. STEPHEN’S EPISCOPAL CHURCH Sun - 9am Matins, 10am Liturgy Sunday School
Wed - 5:30pm Vespers
25 Oxford Road - 732-7462 (Parish & Rectory) Bookstore hours: Open Sundays after Services. Sunday Adult Services 10am Wed Night Prayer 7-8pm
Sunday Service of Holy Communion at 10am followed by WESTMINSTER-MORIAH-OLIVET Thursday Evening Bible Study 7pm
Al-Anon Meetings: Sun. at 5pm & Thurs. at 5:30pm Interim Pastor Rev. Dr. Mark S. Caruana CENTER
AA Meetings: Sundays at 8pm Choir Director Alan Frederick 47 Jordan Road, New Hartford
Yoga by Kristy: Tues. 5:30-7pm & Thurs. at 9:30-11am. Worship service: Sunday 11am Father John LaVoe, Chaplain
more information can be found at 714 Washington St., Utica. 315-732-6518 All are welcome! For more information or to register for any
EGA Meetings: 1st Friday of the Month event, please call or email St. Margaret’s: 315-724-2324 or
St. Stephen’s is handicapped accessible. find us on Facebook
IMMANUEL BAPTIST CHURCH Handicapped accessible Worship Services Wednesdays at Noon
Pastor Fletcher Matlack NORWICH CORNERS CHRISTIAN CHURCH Zoom and In-Person Worship Services - All Welcome!
9501 Weston Rd. (Next to Perry Jr. High), (315) 737-5222 10233 Roberts Road, Sauquoit 315-737-0757 Please contact St. Margaret’s for the information to join by E-mail: Pastor Walter J. Wharram, Jr. Zoom
Sunday Morning Worship Service 10:00 am Sunday School - 9:00am Wednesday Lunches at 12:30 PM. Includes main, sides,
Nursery, Preschool and Children’s Worship hour: 10:00 am Sunday Morning Worship Service - 10:00am salad, and dessert. Please make a reservation by the Friday
See our website for information regarding our Youth Group, Mid-Week Bible Study - Wednesdays 7pm before - Suggested donation $13 per person.
Kids Club and other upcoming events. *Sunday Sermons posted to YouTube weekly Volunteer: It Takes a Village | Tuesdays from 2-5 PM. Call
Church is handicapped accessible. - Search ‘Norwich Corners Christian Church’ or email St. Margaret’s to sign-up to assist for one or more
Conversations and Cool Drinks on the Patio with Rev. Jean
Rev. Hannah Ratliff, Pastor 2620 Genesee St., Utica. (315)732-7869 Skinner - 1st Wednesdays at 1:30 PM - Discussions of faith
45 Genesee Street, NH 315-732-1139 Grief Support Group - 2nd Tuesdays from 6:30 to 8:00 PM 9am - Sunday School & Adult Bible Study Friends of Emmaus House Meetings - 2nd Wednesdays at 10:30am - Worship is led by our Pastor, Peter Saie 10 AM at St. Margaret’s
Motorized Lift for Handicap Accessibility Handicapped accessible. Conversations with Father John - 2nd Wednesdays at 1:30
Supervised Nursery Care Provided During Worship PM - Discussions of faith
Sunday morning worship is held at 10:30 in the sanctuary FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Scrabble Day - 4th Wednesdays at 9:15am at St. Margaret’s
and livestreamed on NHPC’s Facebook page. Adult and 1605 Genesee St, Utica, NY 13501 | Monthly Dinner - May 15th - London Broil
Children’s Sunday School classes precede worship and start Sundays - 10:30 Worship Faith Enrichment for all ages 3rd Wednesdays - Take Out at 5:30 PM and Dine In at 6
at 9:30 each Sunday morning. The choir rehearses each Sun- Coffee Hour following morning worship. PM. Meals served with main, sides, salad, and dessert - Sug-
day at 9:10. Handicapped Accessible gested Donation $17. Please make your reservation by the
A fellowship/coffee hour for everyone follows the Sunday STONE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH preceding Friday.
worship service. 8 So. Park Row, Clinton. 315-853-2933 Sacred Site Tours | May - September 2024
On Saturday, May 11, the formal installation service for Rev. Scott Leonard, Commissioned Lay Pastor We are excited to bring back our popular group tours of
Hannah Ratliff as NHPC’s pastor will take place at 2 p.m., Sunday service-10:30AM local area holy places this summer. This year’s tours will
with a reception to follow. E-mail: highlight stained glass windows. We will typically meet at
Other May highlights will include a Spring Cantata present- Handicapped Accessible St. Margaret’s at 9 AM and carpool to our destinations, re-
ed by the choir on Sunday, May 5 and the New Hartford turning to St. Margaret’s around 3 PM. We will also have a
Presbyterian Women’s Spring Rummage Sale which will CLINTON UNITED METHODIST CHURCH lunch stop at area restaurants along the way. Please call or
take place on Thursday, May 9, from 9 a.m. until 3 p.m., 105 Utica Road, Clinton email to register and indicate if you are willing to drive or
with a bag sale starting at 1:30. Rev. Abel Roy Office Phone: 853-3358 need a ride. Dates: May 21st - Utica, June 18th - Syracuse,
5/1 — 10 a.m. Sew ’n Sews Sunday Worship Service 9:30 AM July 23rd - Skaneateles/Auburn, August 20th - New Hart-
5/1 — 6 p.m. 4-H Sunday school during worship following children’s time ford, September 17th - Oneida/Sherrill.
5/1 — 7 p.m. PEO PLYMOUTH BETHESDA Work Day: Labyrinth Construction | May 13 ALL DAY
5/5 — 10:30 Worship, Spring Cantata by the Choir U.C.C/CORNERSTONE COMMUNITY CHURCH Join us on May 13th to help clear space for and construct
5/7 — 12:30 p.m. Adult Study Group 500 Plant St. Utica (Oneida Sq. across from Dunkin) a labyrinth on the grounds of St. Margaret’s, depending on
5/8 — 10 a.m. Sew ’n Sews Mike Ballman, Pastor the weather. Community members are welcome to come for
5/9 — 9 a.m. - 3 p.m. Rummage Sale part or all of the time as they are able. A simple lunch will
5/10 — Church Office Closed Sunday Mornings: 11am be provided to all of our volunteers - please RSVP by May
5/11 — 2 p.m. Installation Service & Reception for Rev. 6th. Many thanks!
Hannah Ratliff Scripture Reading Workshop with Father John | May
5/12 — 6 p.m. Girl Scouts 15th, 22nd, and 29th from 1:30 to 3:00 PM