Page 31 - May 2024 TC FINAL
P. 31 May 2024 31
Join us for a scripture reading workshop aimed at increasing BEIT SHALOM Strategic Named to List of
your confidence and deepening your appreciation for scrip- 48 Franklin Square, Utica, NY 733-2867
ture reading. These sessions are free, please call or email for Rabbi: Stephen Galiley Nation’s Top DC Advisor Teams
more information or to register for the classes. Friday Evening Shabbat Services: 7:00 pm Strategic Financial Services has been named to the
The Peace Project | Weekly May 30th to June 27th from Oneg Shabbat National Association of Plan Advisors’ (NAPA) list of
1:30 to 3 PM Beit Shalom is a Messianic Jewish Congregation. the nation’s top defined contribution (DC) Advisor Teams
Join us for a 30-day experiment in practicing thankful- All are welcome!
ness, kindness, and mercy. Participants will travel these 30 with Assets under Advisement of $100 Million.
days with Executive Director Judith Reilly as they all work Unlike other lists, this focuses on individual firms, or
through the book by Kay Willis Wyma, The Peace Project: what may, in a wirehouse environment, be referred to as a
A 30-Day Experiment. Please buy and bring the book with team, or office, and the assets under advisement related to
you to the first session. their defined contribution (DC) practice, specifically in a
All are welcome! For more information or to register for any single physical location. The inaugural list was published
event, please call or email St. Margaret’s: 315-724-2324 or in 2017. “Since their inception, NAPA’s various industry lists
THREE STEEPLES UNITED represent the best of what the retirement plan industry has
2817 Old State Route 12, Paris, NY 13456 TEMPLE EMANU-EL to offer, setting the bar higher for financial professionals
315-368-3416 2710 Genesee Street, Utica, 315-724-4177 and plan advisors specifically,” said John Sullivan, Chief
We offer services every Sunday at 10AM! Content Officer of the American Retirement Association,
Three Steeples is a Presbyterian-United Church of Christ Rabbi Peter Schaktman and Editor-in-Chief of NAPA-Net, the nation’s leading
hybrid that offers a traditional foundation for progressive Friday Evening Shabbat Services 6pm.
thinking and growth and is open to engaging with all faiths. All are Welcome online resource for retirement plan advisors. “The NAPA
Three Steeples United is an inclusive and member-driven Top DC Advisor Teams are ranked by self-reported DC
faith community of active individuals and families who TEMPLE BETH-EL assets under advisement and highlight the positive impact
connect with and care for their neighbors and one another 1607 Genesee Street, Utica they’re making on the nation’s private retirement system.”
through worship, education, and culture. We challenge our- Rabbi Gustavo Geier "We're proud to be recognized as a NAPA Top Defined
selves and others to discern, embrace, and act upon a rel- In person and on zoom Contribution Advisor Team, showcasing our dedication
evant understanding of Christ’s message in today’s world. Fri night - 5:30pm to excellence in serving retirement plan sponsors and
Sat morning - 9:30am
participants alike," Greg Tedone, CPFA, ARPC, Head of
ZVI JACOB Retirement Plans at Strategic Financial Services.
Orthodox Synagogue “This honor highlights Strategic’s continued
110 Memorial Parkway, Utica - 724-8357 commitment to excellence in 401k and 403(b) retirement
Services are held Saturday at 9am, and on holidays. plan consulting,” said Alan Leist, III CEO of Strategic
Services may be held at other times if there is a minyan. Financial Services. “Providing outstanding workplace
Visit our website All are Welcome. financial advice and fiduciary oversight is in line with our
mission to help people live a great life. We are proud to
THE JEWISH COMMUNITY CENTER have our team recognized for their leadership in the DC
UNITARIAN UNIVERSALIST CHURCH of 2310 Oneida Street, Utica - 733-2343
UTICA Provides programs for seniors and recreational activities space,” added Leist.
10 Higby Road, Utica 315-724-3179 for all ages. Open to people of all races, religions, and This year’s list features a record number of teams
Join us for Sunday service at 10:30 AM followed by Coffee nationalities. (452)—which oversees nearly $2 trillion in defined
Hour. contribution plan assets belonging to more than 47,000
Also streaming on Zoom. For details: plans covering nearly 21 million participants. This year’s
Minister: The Reverend Karen Brammer teams represented 43 states and the District of Columbia.
May 5: Rev. Ed Townsend – “Wading In – Reflections on the Sullivan added, “As the nation’s voice for retirement
other side of the tracks.” Rev. Ed’s guest musician will be
Ken Meyer, classical guitarist. plan advisors, we are once again pleased to highlight the
May 12: Rev Karen Brammer – “Five Smooth Stones for contributions and commitment of these teams.”
Mother’s Day” Five Smooth Stones – a gift from one of our The list of NAPA’s Top DC Advisor Teams, which
20th century theologians, James Luther Adams. Rev. Karen will be published in the Spring issue of NAPA Net, the
learned this perspective and theological notation from two of Magazine, is available online at https://www.napa-net.
the most powerful UU mentors in her life, both women, both org/napa-top-dc-advisor-teams-2024.
mothers. She will share why the Five Smooths Stones are a
lovely mother’s day present to us all.
May 19: Rev. Karen Brammer – The Chalice and the Flower.
In a month our Unitarian Universalist Association will vote
on whether to evolve once again our 7 (and for UUUtica, our
8) Principles. No matter the outcome of the vote, our faith Angels Among Us
will not lose the chalice, nor bury the principles. However,
we may gain a flower in which the core is love and each petal
an expression of that love in action. It is a flower designed to Food Pantry
faithfully respond to the times we are living in.
May 26: Ken Drake – UUUtica Social Justice Initiatives May 11 & 25 • June 8 & 22
July 13 & 27 • Aug 10 & 24
Sept 14 & 28 • Oct 12 & 26
Nov 9 & 23 • Dec 7 & 21
Hours of Operation: 10am - Noon
The food pantry is located at: St. John The Evangelist
Church, 66 Oxford Rd, New Hartford, NY. Follow the
signs to the driveway in the back during open hours. In
the event of food emergency issues, please contact the
St. John’s rectory from 9AM to 2 PM Monday through
Thursday at 315-732-8521.
Our pantry provides services to all residents of New
Hartford (btw Rt 8 and Rt 12), Washington Mills,
Celebrating our 150th Chadwicks, Sauquoit, Cassville and Clayville.
If this is your first visit, please bring proof of address.
year of business!! If you do not have a permanent address, just come in. We
Come have lunch with us! will assist. If you are unsure of eligibility, just come in.
Coffee House We will assist.
Fourth Friday of every Month at 6pm Auto-Home-Business-Life We Are Looking For Volunteers!
Free Music, Beverages & Finger Foods 2024 TEFAP Eligibility Income Guidelines*
315-735-9201 Based on Annual Incomes
Have Lunch with us! Household Size Income
Join us on Thursdays from 1 $33,885
Join us on Thursdays
from 11:30am-1:30pm 2 $45,990
3 $58,095
All are welcome Free of charge 5 $82,305
Living Faith Bible Church 6 $94,410
Location 7 $106,515
2922 Pinnacle Rd Sauquoit For Each Additional Person $12,105
315-737-5075 Add:
Please post for the calendar year 2024