Page 10 - January 2025 FINAL
P. 10
10 January 2025
Humane Society promises to be a game-changer for Assistance Available
Updates animal lovers and advocates across the area, offering a For any residents who have questions about their
from the comprehensive, collaborative approach to safeguarding property tax bills or need assistance with other services,
the Town Clerk's Office offers phone and email support.
the well-being of animals for generations to come.
Town For more information or to learn how you can get Staff is available to explain tax assessments, payment
Supervisor‘s involved contact my office at 315-733-7500 or via email options, and help with any forms or documentation
Office at required for town services. To contact the Clerk’s Office,
please call 315-733-7500 ext. 2322 or email cherylj@
submitted by Paul Staff is also available for in-
Miscione, Town of New person assistance during regular business hours.
Hartford Supervisor
In a significant move to bolster animal welfare and A Message from the Town Clerk
address growing concerns about animal neglect, the “We understand that January can be a busy and
Town of New Hartford has officially announced the sometimes stressful month for our residents, especially
creation of a new Municipal Humane Society. The with property tax deadlines approaching,” said Town
animal control office which will operate under the Clerk Cheryl Jassak-Huther. “We are here to help make
oversight of the police Department, aims to provide the process as easy as possible and encourage everyone
comprehensive services to protect and care for animals to take advantage of our online services and extended
while educating the public about responsible pet office hours. Our goal is to provide efficient, accessible
ownership. services that help our community stay informed and
The formation of the Municipal Humane Society comes meet all necessary deadlines.”
after months of discussions, community feedback, and The Town Clerk’s Office is committed to ensuring
increasing demands for more proactive animal care that every resident has access to the resources and
solutions in New Hartford and surrounding areas. Town Clerk's Office Announces assistance they need. Whether it’s tax collection, vital
Town officials are hopeful that the new organization January Services and Tax records, or other services, the office is ready to support
will play a pivotal role in reducing the number of stray the community through the start of the new year.
and abandoned animals, increasing adoption rates, and Collection Deadlines For more information, please visit [http://]www.
promoting cruelty-free practices. submitted by Cheryl A. Jassak-Huther, Town of New Hartford or call the Town Clerk’s
A Collaborative Effort for Animal Welfare Clerk Office at 315-733-7500 ext. 2322.
I have expressed enthusiasm about the creation of The Town Clerk’s Office is gearing up for a busy
the Humane Society, emphasizing its importance as January, as the deadline for property tax payments
a public- partnership. “Our commitment to animal approaches and several important town services New Hartford Youth
welfare is stronger than ever,” This initiative brings continue to be available to residents. Town Clerk Cheryl Employment Program Kicks
together our community, animal rescue groups, Jassak-Huther is urging all residents to take note of the
veterinarians, and volunteers to create a sustainable key dates and offerings throughout the month to ensure Off the Winter Season
model that will improve the lives of countless animals smooth transactions and timely access to important The New Hartford Youth Employment program is
in need.” services. looking for industrious young men & women ages 14-
The society will focus on several core areas, including: Property Tax Collection Deadline 19 to be matched with local residents & businesses that
Adoption and Rehoming Programs: The Humane One of the most pressing tasks for many residents need seasonal or part-time work done. This program
Society will expand adoption services to help more this January is the payment of property taxes. The matches youths with residents or businesses that need
animals find permanent homes, reducing the strain on first installment of the 2025 property taxes is due by odd jobs done such as babysitting, lawn maintenance,
local shelters. January 31, 2025. To help residents meet this deadline, painting, cleaning, copying, filing, organizing, party set
Spay and Neuter Clinics: A major component of the the Clerk’s Office will be offering extended hours and up & clean up, cellar and/or attic clean out, moving,
society's mission will be to offer affordable spay and several convenient payment options. snow shoveling, holiday decorating, wrapping of
neuter services to prevent unwanted litters and reduce Tax payments can be made: presents etc. Jobs are often short term and the rate of
pet overpopulation. • In-person at the Town Clerk's Office, located a 8635 pay is at the discretion of the business or resident.
Animal Rescue and Emergency Response: The society Clinton Street, New Hartford, during normal business Residents and local businesses are encouraged to
will work closely with local law enforcement and rescue hours, Monday through Friday from 8am – 4pm or contact the Youth Employment Director if they have a
teams to respond quickly to reports of abuse, neglect, or Adirondack Bank, 4697 Commercial Drive, New job to offer.
injured animals. Hartford Youths may sign up in person with the Youth
Public Education: Community outreach will be a key • Online via the Town’s official website, where taxpayers Employment Director in the Town Clerk’s Office
focus, including campaigns to raise awareness about can securely pay their bills using a credit or debit card. located at 8635 Clinton Street, New Hartford, NY
responsible pet ownership, training programs for pet A convenience fee applies for online payments. 13413 or call 733-7500 ext. 2322 or email cherylj@
owners, and initiatives to curb animal cruelty. • By Mail: Payments can be mailed to 8635 Clinton
Addressing Overpopulation and Animal Cruelty Street, New Hartford, but must be postmarked by Once registered, the Program Director will try
The new society is designed to tackle some of the January 31 to avoid late fees. to match the skills offered by the youth, with the
most pressing issues facing local animals. In recent • Drop-box: For added convenience, a secure drop- appropriate employment opportunity. When a match
years, local shelters have faced overcrowding due to the box is available outside the Town Clerk’s Office for is found, the youth and employer will be given the
high number of abandoned pets, while cases of animal after-hours payments. name and contact number to reach each other, and
cruelty have remained a concern for local authorities. The Town Clerk's Office encourages residents to avoid at that time the youth will be asked to initiate contact
By providing additional resources and support, the waiting until the last minute and to utilize online or with the employer to determine the rate of pay and
Humane Society aims to ease the burden on our local drop-box services to prevent long wait times. hours of work for the job to be completed. The Youth
shelters and offer a long-term solution to these issues. Other Services Available in January Employment Director will follow up each referral with
Community Impact and Support In addition to tax collection, the Town Clerk’s Office a phone call to the employer to ensure that there was
a satisfactory conclusion to the match, and determine
The formation of the Municipal Humane Society has offers a range of services for residents, including: whether a youth will be given additional job referrals. It
been met with widespread support from local advocacy • Vital Records: The Town Clerk’s Office continues to is important to know that youths will not be employees
groups and animal lovers. . “This new society will process requests for certified birth, marriage, and death of the Town, but rather working for individuals within
provide much-needed resources to both the animals certificates. Residents can order records in-person, our community.
and the people who care. Volunteers will play a crucial online, or by mail. It is the intent of the program to fill a need in the
role in supporting the Humane Society's programs, and • Dog Licenses: Pet owners are reminded that dog community by providing a part-time work force in the
fundraising efforts will be essential to maintaining and licenses for the new year are due by January 31. Licenses Town, and to help youths communicate with potential
expanding its services. can be obtained online, by mail, or in-person. Proof of employers and be responsible for constructively
Looking Ahead rabies vaccination is required for all new registrations. planning out the arrangements of employment.
As the Humane Society prepares to open its doors, Recognizing that tax season can be busy for residents, The program runs year round! If you are between the
Town officials are working to secure funding and finalize the Clerk’s Office will extend its hours on the following ages of 14 to 19 and have time to offer your energies
operational plans. It is anticipated that the society will dates: and skill to residents and/or businesses of New
be fully operational by February 1, 2025 with a grand • Wednesday, January 29: Open until 6:00 p.m. Hartford, or you are a Town Resident and/or Business
opening event scheduled to celebrate its launch. “We • Thursday, January 30: Open until 7:00 p.m. to in need of work done around your home or business,
are excited to see the positive impact this new initiative accommodate last-minute tax payments. please consider contacting the New Hartford Youth
will have on our community and on the animals we Residents are encouraged to take advantage of these Employment Director Cheryl A. Jassak-Huther at 315-
serve,”. “This is just the beginning of a new chapter extended hours, especially if they need to make an 733-7500 ext. 2322 or stop by the Town Clerk’s Office
for animal welfare in town of New Hartford and we’re in-person payment or require assistance with their between 8:00 A.M. and 4:00 P.M. Monday-Friday,
committed to making a real difference.” The Municipal property tax bills. holidays excepted, for more details.