Page 11 - January 2025 FINAL
P. 11                                                                                                             January  2025         11

              Local Decorating Service                                              Marty Gorton
                                                                                    Real Estate Agent

                   Call us (315) 735-0732                                           315-534-4661

                    9785 River Road, Marcy
                                                                                              SEXTON REAL ESTATE
                                 since 1940                                            16 College Street, Clinton, NY 13323

                       Richard Sherman

        New Hartford Highway News

      submitted by Superintendent Richard Sherman
        Today is December 13th 2024, and as I write this article
      for Jan 1st 2025, we have little snow on the ground. The
      town received a few inches from the couple of storms   changed the rear and plow markers on the front plows
      we have had. The leaf trucks are officially finished, I still   to the color green. The flashing green lights on the rear
      have one leaf truck out picking up stragglers.    are intended to improve visibility and safety during
        Our holidays are here, which means the highway crew   winter operations, particularly in low-light conditions
      will be out on both shifts picking up Christmas trees   and poor weather like blowing snow or heavy snow fall.
                                                        The front plow marker  allows the on-coming traffic
      after the holidays. Once we pick them up, we mulch   to see the nose of the front plow. Please slow down
      them in the brush chipper. Please try to put them out   safely when approaching a plow. The snow plows travel
      in a timely manner when you are finished with the   25mph or less on our town roads and the county roads
      holiday festivities, so that we can pick them up before
      they get buried in snow at the curb.              in the town of new Hartford.
        No all-night parking is in effect, so please don’t leave   Please see the attached photos showing the newly
      your car in the streets. It makes it easier for the plow   installed green safety lights on the front and rear of our
                                                        plow trucks. The other photos show our plow trucks
      trucks to maneuver around and plow.               waiting for the next snow event. Our town and county
        The FEMA project at the Athletic Park in Washington   roads consist of 10 plowing routes. Each route takes on
      Mills is about 85% finished. Construction is shut down   average, 3 hours to plow.
      for the winter months and will resume again in the
                                                         The  town  of  New  Hartford  Highway  Department
      spring as the weather breaks.                     currently has 2 full time permanent positions available
        The Chadwicks Project has been shut down for the   as Maintenance Equipment Operators (MEO). You
      winter months and will resume in the spring with   must have a CDL license, either class A or B. You
      sidewalks, curbs, street lights, tree plantings and street   can apply on line at
      paving.                                           employment-opportunities.
        The Roman Rd Detention Drainage Project has been   Again, hope you had a Happy Holiday and a Happy
      shut down for the winter months and will resume in   New Year. Your Highway Crew is here if you need them
      the spring. The project has been left in a safe condition   in an emergency any time of the day and night. Please
      and will work properly to hold water back and drain   call me at 315-534-2998 with any questions or e-mail
      the storm water in the ditches that have been built for   me at
      this purpose.
        The Town of New Hartford Highway Department has

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