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JC White has a diverse sales department in both our Miramar and West Palm Beach
       offices that address the furniture and interior architectural product needs of South
       Florida and beyond. Our sales professionals do so much more than sales, they are
       account managers who work with you from project conception through to project
       completion. Our goal at JC White is to be a partner in the furniture needs of your
       organization. Our Account Managers work to develop a relationship with you, to better
       understand your company’s culture and assist in identifying and meeting product
       needs. There is peace of mind in having a dedicated individual manage your project
       and lead other team members through all project phases.

       The experience of JC White account managers has resulted in strong relationships with
       not just clients but also with over 330 manufacturers, allowing them to advocate for the
       best service and product pricing on your behalf.
       When project costs require a reevaluation of furniture selections or finishes, our expertise
       in value engineering services can devise the best approach to improve the bottom line,
       without sacrificing the quality of the product or the services offered.
       With JC White you have a project partner and project services you can count on for the
       long haul. As your company’s needs change, we continue to be a resource for your
       furniture and interior product needs.
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