Page 19 - KLSCCCI Nov 2021 - eBulletin 401
P. 19


                                                                        Arts and Tourism

                         SME Digitization Grant Scheme                  Allocated funds amount:   RM20 million
                                                                        RM600 million
                         Allocated funds amount:                        The implementation of the   Strengthen Malaysia’s
                         RM200 million                                  Wage Subsidy Program (WSP)  position as a preferred
                         (RM50 million dedicated towards Bumiputera     RM85 million         health tourism
                         microentrepreneurs in rural areas)
                                                                        Special assistance to more
                                                                        than 20,000 tour operators  RM50 million
                         Smart Automation                               RM30 million         Attraction Infrastructure
                         Matching Grants                                                     Fund
                                                                        Repair grants for registered
                         Allocated funds amount:                        home stay owners     Income tax
                         RM100 million                                  RM50 million         exemption
                                                                        Programs related to arts   from cultural arts and
                         Collaborative Research in                      and culture          international sports
                                                                                             competitions (until 2025)
                         Engineering, Science and                       RM60 million
                         Technology                                     Promotional activities as   Entertainment tax
                                                                        well as domestic tourism  exemption
                         Allocated funds amount:                                             for Cinemas, theme
                         RM12 million                                   RM600 million        parks (Federal Territory)
                                                                        Tourism financing plan

                                                                        Creative Industry

                                                                        Allocated funds amount:
                                                                        RM20 million         RM188 million
                                                                        Program Riuh Keluarga   FINAS, CENDANA and
                                                                        Malaysia             MyCreative Ventures
                   Government                                           RM30 million         will intensify various
                      Subsidy                                           Investment Loan Matching
                      (Grants)                                          Scheme
                                                                        Retail Industry
                                                                        Allocated funds amount:
                                                                        RM250 million        RM74 million
                                      Rehabilitating                    Shop Malaysia Online   Training programs and
                                     and Catalysing                     and Go-eCommerce     business guidance and
                                                                                             a simple zero financing
                                       the Reform of                    RM33 million         scheme
                                         Targeted                       Buy Made in Malaysia   RM2,000
                                                                        Campaign, Malaysian
                                          Sectors                       Sales Program and    implementation activities,
                                                                        Khazanah Alam Industry   training in marketing and
                                                                        Direct Selling Program  digital payments
                    Sustainable                                         Agriculture and Fisheries Industry
                         and                                            Allocated funds amount:
                   Low-Carbon                                           RM1.5 billion        RM120 million
                     Practices                                          Seed, fertilizer, price and   Food Bank, Food Supply
                                                                                             Guarantee Program
                                                                        paddy production
                                                                        RM170 million
                                                                        Fishery allowance

                                                                        Allocated funds amount:
                         Low-carbon Transition                          RM1.3 billion        RM35 million
                         Facilitation Fund                              Federal Land Development   Replanting projects for
                                                                        Authority (FELDA) (Oil   small oil palm plantation
                         Allocated funds amount:                        Palm plantations)    owners
                         RM1 billion (Central Bank)                     RM495 million        RM20 million
                                                                        Federal Bureau of Land   International Anti-Palm
                         Electric vehicle market                        Rehabilitation and   Oil Campaign Response
                         assistance                                     Unification (FELCRA)  Fund
                         Allocated funds amount:                        RM699 million
                         Exemption for Import tax, Domestic tax,        Small Rubber Plantation
                         Sales tax & Road tax                           Development Bureau
                                                                        (RISDA) (Rubber Plantation)
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