Page 5 - KLSCCCI Nov 2021 - eBulletin 401
P. 5


                名誉会长 (2021-2024)

                Honorary Presidents

                                  拿督林国璋局绅              Dato’ LIM KOK CHEONG


                                   义利有限公司                              执行主席
                                   YEE LEE CORPORATION BERHAD          Executive Chairman

                 丹斯里拿督斯里李爱贤                   Tan Sri Dato' Seri LEE OI HIAN

                    KLK is the legacy of Tan Sri Lee Loy Seng. We continue to strive for excellence
                    based on our ingrained KLK culture that is in our management team.
                  吉隆坡甲洞有限公司                             行政总裁
                  KUALA LUMPUR KEPONG BERHAD            Chief Executive Officer

                                  谢松坤博士          Dr. CHIA SONG KUN


                                   全利资源有限公司                   执行主席
                                   QL RESOURCES BERHAD        Executive Chairman

                 丹斯里拿督林宽城                Tan Sri Dato’ LIM KUANG SIA


                  高产柅品工业有限公司                            集团董事经理兼首席执行员
                  KOSSAN RUBBER                         Group Managing Director
                  INDUSTRIES BERHAD                     and Chief Executive Officer

                                  拿督李耀祖          Dato’ LEE YEOW CHOR

                                    Many people say what matters is the Result; however, the approach towards
                                    achieving the result is also important in making it meaningful and lasting.

                                   IOI 集团有限公司                        集团董事总经理及首席执行员
                                   IOI CORPORATION BERHAD            Group Managing Director and
                                                                     Chief Executive

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