Page 15 - KLSCCCI APR 2022 - eBullentin 405
P. 15


           Tax Deductions For

           Businesses YA 2021

               Amid  the  Covid-19  pandemic,  the         Amendments in tax reliefs have been made this YA 2021, and
           government has increased tax deduction for   some new additions have also been introduced to lighten
           businesses. Such measures include extending   Malaysians’ financial burdens brought on by the extended
           the double deduction on qualifying expenditure   pandemic. Claiming these incentives can help you to lower your
           incurred in respect of approved internship   tax rate and pay less in overall taxes.
           programs to YA 2025, and expanding the          With that, here is the LHDN’s full list of tax reliefs for YA 2021.
           incentive to include  students at various
           academic levels, such as master’s degree,   2021 Tax Reliefs
           professional certificate and Malaysian skills
           certificate, levels 1 and 2.                for Malaysian Resident Individuals
               Other enhanced/extended tax deductions
           include:                                      Personal deductions
               Introducing a tax deduction for landlords
           on the amount of rental reduction granted to   Self & dependent relatives                 RM9,000
           tenants, where the former have reduced the    Disabled Individual (further deduction)     RM6,000
           rental  by  at  least 30%  from  the original   Disabled husband/wife (further deduction)   RM5,000
           amount. This deduction has been extended to   Husband/wife/payment of alimony to former wife   RM4,000
           June 2022;                                    Education Fees                              RM7,000
               Expanding the scope of double deduction
           in  providing  scholarships  to  qualifying   Lifestyle, Medical and related reliefs
           Malaysian students, to encompass all fields of
           study at specified academic levels for YAs    Domestic travelling                         RM1,000
           2022 to 2025;                                 -Accommodation Fees
               Extending the tax deduction available for   -Entrance fees paid for tourist attractions
           renovating and refurbishing business premises   -Domestic tour packages through a licensed
           incurred for the period commencing March 1,    travel agent
           2020 to Dec. 31, 2021, until Dec. 31, 2022. The   -Extended to 31 December 2022
           maximum amount of deduction is maintained     Medical expenses for parents                RM8,000
           at RM300,000;  and extending the tax          (treatment, special needs or carer)
           deduction for manufacturing and manufacturing-   Medical expenses for serious diseases &    RM8,000
           related service companies on rental expenses   fertility treatment & Vaccination(max RM1,000)
           incurred on premises used as employees’       Full medical check-up including             RM8,000
           accommodation for the period commencing       Covid-19 detection test (restricted to RM1,000)
           Jan. 1, 2021 to Dec. 31, 2021, until Dec. 31,
           2022. The maximum amount of deduction is
           maintained at RM50,000.                       Child related reliefs
                                                         Each unmarried child <18years               RM2,000
                                                         Each unmarried child >18years old           RM2,000
                                                         receiving education
                                                         Disabled child                              RM6,000
                                                         Additional exemption for disabled child     RM8,000
                                                         aged > 18 years old receiving further education

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