Page 14 - FCA Diamond Point Dec 24-smg review
P. 14
Defense Finance and Accounting Service (Cont’d)
We are blessed today to have some of my SUAROTC teammates here celebrating. Thanks to LTC
RET Durel Patterson, P/R line name is Breezer. Brother Breezer is a published author and the glue
between SU ROTC members. LTC RET Linda Colar (aka P/R PVT Benjamin) continued to serve as a
JROTC instructor mentoring and coaching youngsters. And, my P/R line brother, LTC (RET) Ken
Cole – Brother Outrageous, Courageous, Kenny Wanky Cole. Thanks for your support over the
years and being here today.
David Hayes, my lifelong friend where we were together as altar boys, scouts, grade school until 2d
grade, reunited at St John’s College Military High School, and then attended Southern University.
David is my brother from a different mother and my dad considers David his third son. David is
always there for family and has been there taking care of my dad frequently. DW, thanks for
sticking with me over the years.
To my DFAS SES peers and teammates, thanks for your good counsel and telling me when I was
wrong. We’ve come a long way together, so please accept my thanks for your support and what
you continue to do at DFAS.
To my DFAS HQ Operations Team, thanks for all that you do to keep the trains on the tracks and
running on time. John Votaw, Andy Hartz, Beau Buzbee, Megan Welch, Sherrie Stafford, and Gena
Wyatt, I celebrate you as you’ve made us a strong team. Thanks for the memories, and thanks for
your support for the retirement festivities.
The journey to this day started with my parents always figuring out a way for us to have what we
needed. Mom said, I don’t care what you do, you can be doctor, soldier, or a garbage man, but
whatever you do, work hard and be the best! While Mom set the tone of success, Dad has been my
biggest role model. His is a story of pride in his country where in 1953 with the Korean War
ongoing, he received his draft notice and instead of reporting for the draft he enlisted and
volunteered for the U.S. Army Airborne. At his induction physical, the doctor says, “You do not
have to go, your feet are flat as a board, and you are 4F.” My dad’s response was, “I want to serve,”
and the doctor’s response was if you are willing to look the other way than so will I. So Dad became
a paratrooper with the 11 Airborne. His resilience then and his feistiness now at 91 is admirable.
I may not have had this opportunity to serve if not for my big brother Daniel Gillison Jr. I am here
today because of Dan standing tall against guys who had gotten lucky with one of the rocks they
were throwing hitting me as I ran away from the beat down confrontation at the playground. Dan
you were across the playground and saw the attack progressing and you ran to get help. When you
returned with help, I was on the ground bleeding. I was coming to when one of the guys was about
to hit me in the head with a brick, and you came up and said, Don’t you dare do that!” followed by
“Go ahead and see what happens to you!” I was not too thrilled with the comment at the time, but
realized how you diffused the situation, and these kids learned I was your brother, and they now
had a big problem. Your reputation made a difference then and now. I am proud of you as my
brother, and the husband and father you are. Dan, thanks for you and Barbara being here today.
Love you both!
There is another supporter and mentor I want you all to know about. COL Leland J. Holland, the
senior American Army officer held hostage by the Iranians for 444 days. COL Holland was the
Installation Commander at Vint Hills Farms Station, and put me back in the leadership game as
Commander of HHQ INSCOM VHFS. COL Holland’s decision ensured while I was away from Army
Finance, I was given opportunities that set conditions for future success and made a huge
difference with medical care our special needs son, Bryant, received at WRAMC.