Page 17 - FCA Diamond Point Dec 24-smg review
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The USAR money team --COL Torin Hamilton, Office of the Chief of Army Reserve (OCAR)
Comptroller, and COL Edward Freeman United States Army Reserve Command (USARC) G-8
traveled together to assess the Army Reserve implementation of Force Design Update, Jr
conversion to Theater-Finance Battalion and Companies. First stop, 368th Finance Battalion,
Wichita, KS. LTC Wade Danforth, BN CDR hosting the leaders during Battle Assembly 15-17 Nov
2024. The 368th BN staff and four Companies are doing an amazing job delivering trained,
motivated, and ready Finance Professionals to meet Army Reserve, Army, and joint force’s mission
requirements. The following week, 21-22 Nov 2024, the two COLs traveled to Fort Jackson, SC and
engaged with Finance and Comptroller (FC) Basic Officer Leaders Course (BOLC) students and
leaders at the U.S. Army Finance and Comptroller School. The HRC TPU Talent Manager, CPT
Patreice Bass-Jean, joined them in providing the students timely leader development, career
management advice, and highlighted changes within the Finance Corps as they prepare to
graduate and return to their respective units motivated to serve. Special thanks to the FC School
leadership COL Rob Le’iato, Commandant; CSM Craig Rodland, Regimental CSM, and CPT Hans
Mueller, BOLC instructor for the hospitality. COL Hamilton and COL Freeman share a passion for
integrating and strengthening the bonds of Finance and Comptroller units and Soldiers at echelon
across the Army Reserve, Army National Guard, and Active Duty in order to enhance synergy and
training opportunities in preparation for Large Scale Combat Operations (LSCO). This was
evidenced by funding two Active Duty for Operational Support (ADOS-RC) Senior
Advisor/Integrator positions (LTC and SGM) at USAFMCOM / 45th Financial Management Command
in Indianapolis, Indiana, at the beginning of Fiscal Year (FY) 2025.