Page 32 - FCA Diamond Point June 24
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                                                               could hinder the order production timeline.
          You never know who will read your resume, so
            insure it is grammatically correct and free of
                                                                Looking ahead to 25-02. The best way to
                                                               anticipate your movement cycle is reviewing the
          The interview process birthed by the                  YMAV (Year Month Available date) in your IPPS-
          marketplace has proven to be a critical and          A Soldier Talent Profile (STP). If your YMAV date

           useful tool for officers and units alike. It allows     has already passed, please reach out to your
          for both parties to determine who may be the          talent manager to get it updated. The 25-02 cycle
           best fit. Ensure you are prepared for any            notifications (YMAV between 202504 – 202509)
          interview opportunities and/or reach out to          should be coming out in July/August 2024
          units you are interested in. You are your best        alongside the 25-01 slating notifications.
           advocate in pursuing and securing your next          RPMD/TMD is continuing to refine, integrate
            assignment. Rehearsals are not just for            processes into IPPS-A; please be monitoring
                                                               your emails sent by your Talent Manager. The
          training events, take the time to prepare some
          responses about yourself. Be brief be brilliant      notification could come through IPPS-A or the
          be gone!                       MAJ Schwemmer         traditional memorandum format.

          Finally, the term “1 to 1” match is no longer          This is my final update as I PCS in 24-02 to my

           applicable as the term “market match” is            next assignment. I want to thank you for all the
          preferred. Regardless, you should not be             support and patience with changes to processes
           required to reveal your specific market             and procedures as IPPS-A is implemented. My
          preferences to potential units with whom you         replacement, MAJ Gretchen Truskolaski, will
          interview.                                           arrive in mid-July. Please watch for her
          As the marketplace continues to improve, I           introduction email.

          would ask for any feedback IRT your
          experience with the system. You can contact              Noncommissioned Officer Notes
           me at my email address.                                           by: SFC Jaemin Park

                                                               The Enlisted Manning Cycle
                Active Guard/Reserve (AGR)                     (EMC) 25-02 closed on 04 June 2024. All NCOs

               Assignment Officer Notes by:                    slated in EMC 25-02 will start
                       MAJ Kyle Schwemmer                      receiving assignment
                                                               instructions starting 17 July 2024.
          Financial Management                                 Exceptional Family Member
           Leaders,                                            Program (EFMP) and lateness of
          IPPS-A is providing new and                          Personal Action Request (PAR) is

          exciting opportunities. The                          top two huddles that Branch has.
          Army Reserve (AR) Active                                                                   SFC Park
                                                               Please ensure your Exceptional
          Guard Reserve (AGR) 25-01                            Family Member Program (EFMP) is updated
          movement cycle is concluding                         farther than the projected reporting month. If
           the first Closed Marketplace                        you received email and have any pending
          that allowed movers in the                             actions, questions, or concerns please do not
          cycle to preference positions      MAJ Schwemmer     hesitate to contact me.
           and units to preference movers eligible for
          their positions. The Closed Marketplace              EMC    YMAV        Stabilization    Market   Market       Proj. Rpt
           concludes 12 July 2024 with slating occurring                                       Suspense       Open      Closed      Months
                                                               25-03  2504-2508    060224           071724    082724     0425/0825
          of the following weeks to screen the slate for
                                                               25-04   2705-2511    082524          100924     111924    0725-1125
          any regulatory requirements of EFMP, MACP,
          Terminal Request, Compassionate                      26-01   2510-2602      121924         020225    031825    1025-0226

          Reassignments. Orders production is                  26-02    2601-2605     031625          043025    061025    0126-0526
           anticipated to begin mid-August. Please keep
          all individual readiness matrices up to date
          (PHA, HIV Draw, Security Clearances…) that
          could hinder the order production timeline.
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