Page 123 - Record#29 7.9#2
P. 123
Name Regional Centre Contact
Ms. Sarthanee Poonsapaya Buddhist Association of Thailand orr222_@hotmail .com
under the Royal Patronage
International Network of
Ms. Alice Huang (founder) alicehuang16888@
Love-in-Action, LA, USA
Ms. Grace Chen, Representative
for Madame Hung Yi Shou
Welcome by the Chairperson:
Madame Hung Yi Shou sends her apologies and best wishes to the Standing Committee
on Women. She has asked that Mrs. Kanchana Soonsawad will act as chair for this meeting.
The committee unanimously agreed.
It has been agreed Ms. Grace Chen will represent and work on the behalf of the Committee
Chair, Madame Hung Yi Shou, during the next two years.
Mrs. Kanchana Soonsawad introduced The WFB Vice-President, Dr. Steven Huang. They
together will be the Committee Advisors on behalf of The WFB EXCO.
The Acting Chairperson, Mrs. Kanchana Soonsawad, invited each committee member to
introduce themselves.
Mrs. Meera Jyoti, on behalf of the Chairperson, urged that the committee strive to be more
professional, and recommended that a stronger core committee be formed. This professionalism
will allow us to become an exemplar committee. She also suggested that we review the core
committee functions, ensuring that we follow the guiding principles/purpose of The WFB and
attend to Action Plans that were created at our last meeting, rather than spending our meeting
focusing only on new ideas.
Review of the Previous Standing Committee Minutes:
The minutes from the last meeting of the Standing Committee on Women, which was held
during the 28 WFB Conference in B.E. 2559 (2016), were distributed around the room.
The Guiding Principles were read out from the previous minutes as follows:
The committee supports The WFB’s general guideline on
1. Promoting strict observance and practice of Buddha’s teaching
2. Propagating the sublime doctrines of the Buddha
3. Promoting The World Fellowship of Buddhists’ (The WFB) core values and increase
self-sufficiency among Regional Centres.
4. Supporting a positive and self-sustaining growth in Buddhist education for The WFB
Regional Centres.