Page 142 - The Handbook - Law Firm Networks 2018
P. 142
The Handbook - Law Firm Networks
relationships between member firms. ILF Description: The International Network of
members value these personal relationships Boutique Law Firms (INBLF) is a network
because clients can be recommended to of highly credentialed single-discipline
associated firms in other locations with boutique law firms across the United States
complete confidence. and Canada. The INBLF also includes
numerous leading full-service law firms
International Practice Group (Multidisciplinary) around the globe in Europe, Asia and the
Pacific, and Latin America to ensure that
Address: top-flight legal services are available to
Klausstrasse 19 clients of INBLF firms wherever the need
Box 712 arises.
8034 Zürich
Switzerland International Society of Primerus Law Firms
Contact: Aylin Redondo Address:
Email: 171 Monroe Ave., NW, Ste. 750
Telephone: +41 58 523 60 65 Grand Rapids, MI 49503
Fax: +41 58 523 60 69 U.S.
Number of Firms: 110 Contact: John Buchanan
Number of Professionals: 2,500 Email:
Regions: Global Telephone: 800 968 2211
Fax: 616 458 7099
Description: International Practice Group Website:
(IPG) is a non-profit association of
independent lawyers, accountants, tax Number of Firms: 175
advisers, and other professionals who Number of Lawyers: 2,500
cooperate to transact international business Regions: Global
cost effectively and to the highest
professional standards. The group has Description: The International Society of
a board of directors, an advisory committee, Primerus Law Firms is an international
an ethics committee, and a members’ alliance of top-rated, independent small- to
coordinator. IPG currently has more than medium-size law firms that share a
110 member firms, combining more than commitment to providing high quality
2,500 professionals throughout the world. service at reasonable fees. After receiving
Members meet at least twice a year during the invitation to join, nominees are
the spring or autumn conferences, which are evaluated for integrity, excellence of work
held in different cities and are hosted and product, reasonable fees, continuing
organized by the members. education, civility to bench and bar, and
community service prior to acceptance and
The group is a non-exclusive association of are reviewed each year. Primerus offers its
independent, quality, and cost-conscious members a very methodical, calculated,
professionals who co-operate in advising sustainable, and dignified approach to help
international clients. It consists of law firms, in their ongoing marketing and business
accounting firms, and tax advisors. development efforts. Although referrals are
one aspect of Primerus, we are much more
International Network of Boutique Law Firms than a passive referral network. We are
actively promoting our firms to in-house
Address: counsel and corporate clients. In a broader
388 Market St., Ste. 900 sense, we help our firms adapt to the
San Francisco, CA 94111 changing economy and legal landscape
U.S. around the world.
Contact: Charles M. Kagay, President
Telephone: 415 956 5959
Number of Firms: 250
Number of Lawyers: 350
Regions: Global
relationships between member firms. ILF Description: The International Network of
members value these personal relationships Boutique Law Firms (INBLF) is a network
because clients can be recommended to of highly credentialed single-discipline
associated firms in other locations with boutique law firms across the United States
complete confidence. and Canada. The INBLF also includes
numerous leading full-service law firms
International Practice Group (Multidisciplinary) around the globe in Europe, Asia and the
Pacific, and Latin America to ensure that
Address: top-flight legal services are available to
Klausstrasse 19 clients of INBLF firms wherever the need
Box 712 arises.
8034 Zürich
Switzerland International Society of Primerus Law Firms
Contact: Aylin Redondo Address:
Email: 171 Monroe Ave., NW, Ste. 750
Telephone: +41 58 523 60 65 Grand Rapids, MI 49503
Fax: +41 58 523 60 69 U.S.
Number of Firms: 110 Contact: John Buchanan
Number of Professionals: 2,500 Email:
Regions: Global Telephone: 800 968 2211
Fax: 616 458 7099
Description: International Practice Group Website:
(IPG) is a non-profit association of
independent lawyers, accountants, tax Number of Firms: 175
advisers, and other professionals who Number of Lawyers: 2,500
cooperate to transact international business Regions: Global
cost effectively and to the highest
professional standards. The group has Description: The International Society of
a board of directors, an advisory committee, Primerus Law Firms is an international
an ethics committee, and a members’ alliance of top-rated, independent small- to
coordinator. IPG currently has more than medium-size law firms that share a
110 member firms, combining more than commitment to providing high quality
2,500 professionals throughout the world. service at reasonable fees. After receiving
Members meet at least twice a year during the invitation to join, nominees are
the spring or autumn conferences, which are evaluated for integrity, excellence of work
held in different cities and are hosted and product, reasonable fees, continuing
organized by the members. education, civility to bench and bar, and
community service prior to acceptance and
The group is a non-exclusive association of are reviewed each year. Primerus offers its
independent, quality, and cost-conscious members a very methodical, calculated,
professionals who co-operate in advising sustainable, and dignified approach to help
international clients. It consists of law firms, in their ongoing marketing and business
accounting firms, and tax advisors. development efforts. Although referrals are
one aspect of Primerus, we are much more
International Network of Boutique Law Firms than a passive referral network. We are
actively promoting our firms to in-house
Address: counsel and corporate clients. In a broader
388 Market St., Ste. 900 sense, we help our firms adapt to the
San Francisco, CA 94111 changing economy and legal landscape
U.S. around the world.
Contact: Charles M. Kagay, President
Telephone: 415 956 5959
Number of Firms: 250
Number of Lawyers: 350
Regions: Global