Page 139 - The Handbook - Law Firm Networks 2018
P. 139
The Handbook - Law Firm Networks
Number of Lawyers: 33 Inter-American Network of Environmental Law
Regions: Global
Description: Insuralex is a group created by 1500 San Jacinto Center
independent law firms that specialize in 98 San Jacinto Blvd.
insurance and reinsurance coverage, Austin, TX 78701-4039
defense, litigation, and all other related legal U.S.
Contact: Aileen Hooks
Globalization and changes in the worldwide Email:
insurance market enable insurers and Telephone: 512 322 2616
reinsurers to market their products across Fax: 512 322 8314
national borders in a growing global Website:
Number of Firms: 17
Different local laws and procedures may Number of Lawyers:
affect the conduct of insurance business on a Regions: North and South America
cross-border basis, and this is evident in the
handling of international or multinational Description: RIELA™ (Red Interamericana
claims. An insurer can navigate these de Especialistas en Legislación Ambiental)
complexities by using a group of lawyers is a network of independent law firms
from different jurisdictions who are each providing for the exchange of professional
specialized in their respective national information about the local and regional
insurance and reinsurance law systems, but practice and development of environmental
who are also affiliated to work with each law in the Americas, facilitating and
other. disseminating communications among its
members, and improving the members’
Interact Europe abilities to serve the needs of their
respective clients. The members of
Address: RIELA™ maintain complete autonomy;
Pitmans render professional services to their
47 Castle St. respective clients on an individual and
Reading, Berks RG1 7SR, England separate basis; are not in any way restricted
U.K. from handling or accepting cases from non-
RIELA™ members or from joining other
Contact: Mr. C.H. Avery professional organizations; and are not
Email: affiliated for the joint practice of law.
Telephone: +44-(0) 118 958 0224
Fax: +44-(0) 118 958 5097 Interjures
Number of Firms: 13 Interjures Consult GmbH
Number of Lawyers: 150 Rechtsanwalt Peter Heun
Regions: Europe Ossecker Str. 174
95030 Hof
Description: The InterAct group was Germany
founded in 1990 by Pitmans, based in
Reading, U.K., at a time when that firm felt Contact: Peter Heun
a need to be part a European-wide Email:
association to obtain reliable legal services Telephone: +49 9281 7055
for its clients. With trade expanding within Fax: +49 9281 705 900
the European Community, Pitmans Website:
increasingly had to be able to obtain legal
advice throughout the Community. There Number of Firms:
were six founding members, all of whom Number of Lawyers:
had been personally recommended for Regions:
membership and who were all visited at
their offices by partners of Pitmans before Description:
being admitted to membership.
Number of Lawyers: 33 Inter-American Network of Environmental Law
Regions: Global
Description: Insuralex is a group created by 1500 San Jacinto Center
independent law firms that specialize in 98 San Jacinto Blvd.
insurance and reinsurance coverage, Austin, TX 78701-4039
defense, litigation, and all other related legal U.S.
Contact: Aileen Hooks
Globalization and changes in the worldwide Email:
insurance market enable insurers and Telephone: 512 322 2616
reinsurers to market their products across Fax: 512 322 8314
national borders in a growing global Website:
Number of Firms: 17
Different local laws and procedures may Number of Lawyers:
affect the conduct of insurance business on a Regions: North and South America
cross-border basis, and this is evident in the
handling of international or multinational Description: RIELA™ (Red Interamericana
claims. An insurer can navigate these de Especialistas en Legislación Ambiental)
complexities by using a group of lawyers is a network of independent law firms
from different jurisdictions who are each providing for the exchange of professional
specialized in their respective national information about the local and regional
insurance and reinsurance law systems, but practice and development of environmental
who are also affiliated to work with each law in the Americas, facilitating and
other. disseminating communications among its
members, and improving the members’
Interact Europe abilities to serve the needs of their
respective clients. The members of
Address: RIELA™ maintain complete autonomy;
Pitmans render professional services to their
47 Castle St. respective clients on an individual and
Reading, Berks RG1 7SR, England separate basis; are not in any way restricted
U.K. from handling or accepting cases from non-
RIELA™ members or from joining other
Contact: Mr. C.H. Avery professional organizations; and are not
Email: affiliated for the joint practice of law.
Telephone: +44-(0) 118 958 0224
Fax: +44-(0) 118 958 5097 Interjures
Number of Firms: 13 Interjures Consult GmbH
Number of Lawyers: 150 Rechtsanwalt Peter Heun
Regions: Europe Ossecker Str. 174
95030 Hof
Description: The InterAct group was Germany
founded in 1990 by Pitmans, based in
Reading, U.K., at a time when that firm felt Contact: Peter Heun
a need to be part a European-wide Email:
association to obtain reliable legal services Telephone: +49 9281 7055
for its clients. With trade expanding within Fax: +49 9281 705 900
the European Community, Pitmans Website:
increasingly had to be able to obtain legal
advice throughout the Community. There Number of Firms:
were six founding members, all of whom Number of Lawyers:
had been personally recommended for Regions:
membership and who were all visited at
their offices by partners of Pitmans before Description:
being admitted to membership.