Page 134 - The Handbook - Law Firm Networks 2018
P. 134
The Handbook - Law Firm Networks
Number of Firms: 8 Food Lawyers Network
Number of Lawyers: 100
Regions: Europe & North America Address:
Rechtsanwälte Krell Weyland Grube
Description: ELN is a close association of Auf der Brück 46
law firms with offices in Europe and North 51645 Gummersbach
America. Its primary objective is the Germany
provision of international legal advice,
which satisfies three fundamental client Contact: Dr. Markus Grube
demands for efficiency, value, and local Email:
expertise. It was in response to these client Email:
demands that ELN was formed in 1990. Telephone: +0049 (0) 2261 60140
Since then ELN’s clients have been able to Fax: +0049 (0) 2261 601460
reap the rewards of developing their Website:
businesses internationally while working
with local law firms they can trust at a cost Number of Firms:
that does not lead to any unpleasant Number of Lawyers:
surprises. The lawyers within ELN are used Regions: Global
to dealing with international projects and are
able to create a fully integrated team Description: Food law is of increasing
approach to corporate and commercial importance for the day-to-day business of
transactions with clear reporting lines that Food Business Operators, but it is a complex
avoid duplication of efforts and ensure the matter. Legal conditions for the production
client feels at the center of their transaction, and marketability of food vary considerably
regardless of where it is taking place. from country to country. Therefore, with
regards to cross-border traffic, the food
First Law International industry needs the assistance of proven food
law experts. FLN offers a unique worldwide
Address: platform of expertise that enables the Food
Avenue Louise 475-22 Business Operator to quickly find a
1000 Brussels competent and experienced specialist in
Belgium food law. Further, FLN enables an
international exchange of experience and a
Contact: Orlando Casares transfer of knowledge, and facilitates the
Email: access to other legal systems. Through the
Telephone: +32 2 626 0600 ongoing scientific dialogue, important
Fax: +32 2 647 8338 insights are gained for the application and
Website: development of food law.
Number of Firms: 61 The Fraud Network
Number of Lawyers: 7,000
Regions: Global Address:
Mishcon de Reya
Description: First Law International Summit House
(“FLI”) is the Brussels-based hub of a global 12 Red Lion Square
network of more than 61 independent, London, WC1R4QD, England
national law firms known as FLI NET.™ U.K.
We specialize in providing a wide range of
multinational clients from automotive, Contact: Gary Miller
pharmaceutical, heavy-industry, retail, real Email:
estate, finance, semiconductor, oil & gas, Telephone: +44 20 7740 7028
services, and IT, among others with valuable Fax: +44 20 783 13487
cross-border legal support on a global basis. Website:
As the central point of coordination and
management, FLI’s HQ is comprised of Number of Firms: 22
seasoned former general counsels and senior Number of Professionals: 1,000
corporate counsels of U.S. Fortune Regions: Europe
companies. Our extensive in-house cross-
border experience makes us uniquely Description: Our Mission … is to provide
qualified to coordinate and manage legal clients with tried and tested Fraud
services rendered by FLI NET Member
Number of Firms: 8 Food Lawyers Network
Number of Lawyers: 100
Regions: Europe & North America Address:
Rechtsanwälte Krell Weyland Grube
Description: ELN is a close association of Auf der Brück 46
law firms with offices in Europe and North 51645 Gummersbach
America. Its primary objective is the Germany
provision of international legal advice,
which satisfies three fundamental client Contact: Dr. Markus Grube
demands for efficiency, value, and local Email:
expertise. It was in response to these client Email:
demands that ELN was formed in 1990. Telephone: +0049 (0) 2261 60140
Since then ELN’s clients have been able to Fax: +0049 (0) 2261 601460
reap the rewards of developing their Website:
businesses internationally while working
with local law firms they can trust at a cost Number of Firms:
that does not lead to any unpleasant Number of Lawyers:
surprises. The lawyers within ELN are used Regions: Global
to dealing with international projects and are
able to create a fully integrated team Description: Food law is of increasing
approach to corporate and commercial importance for the day-to-day business of
transactions with clear reporting lines that Food Business Operators, but it is a complex
avoid duplication of efforts and ensure the matter. Legal conditions for the production
client feels at the center of their transaction, and marketability of food vary considerably
regardless of where it is taking place. from country to country. Therefore, with
regards to cross-border traffic, the food
First Law International industry needs the assistance of proven food
law experts. FLN offers a unique worldwide
Address: platform of expertise that enables the Food
Avenue Louise 475-22 Business Operator to quickly find a
1000 Brussels competent and experienced specialist in
Belgium food law. Further, FLN enables an
international exchange of experience and a
Contact: Orlando Casares transfer of knowledge, and facilitates the
Email: access to other legal systems. Through the
Telephone: +32 2 626 0600 ongoing scientific dialogue, important
Fax: +32 2 647 8338 insights are gained for the application and
Website: development of food law.
Number of Firms: 61 The Fraud Network
Number of Lawyers: 7,000
Regions: Global Address:
Mishcon de Reya
Description: First Law International Summit House
(“FLI”) is the Brussels-based hub of a global 12 Red Lion Square
network of more than 61 independent, London, WC1R4QD, England
national law firms known as FLI NET.™ U.K.
We specialize in providing a wide range of
multinational clients from automotive, Contact: Gary Miller
pharmaceutical, heavy-industry, retail, real Email:
estate, finance, semiconductor, oil & gas, Telephone: +44 20 7740 7028
services, and IT, among others with valuable Fax: +44 20 783 13487
cross-border legal support on a global basis. Website:
As the central point of coordination and
management, FLI’s HQ is comprised of Number of Firms: 22
seasoned former general counsels and senior Number of Professionals: 1,000
corporate counsels of U.S. Fortune Regions: Europe
companies. Our extensive in-house cross-
border experience makes us uniquely Description: Our Mission … is to provide
qualified to coordinate and manage legal clients with tried and tested Fraud
services rendered by FLI NET Member