Page 136 - The Handbook - Law Firm Networks 2018
P. 136
The Handbook - Law Firm Networks

countries worldwide, Globalaw is now the then, as it does now, that both clients and
go-to network for businesses seeking to do attorneys benefit from a better
business globally. understanding of the unique circumstances
and concerns facing each of them. The
Every day hundreds of Globalaw firm members at the initial meeting wanted to
clients are having their global requirements create an organization where quality
effectively serviced by Globalaw member members would be encouraged to introduce
firms. There are no referral fees, members their quality clients to other members, to
are carefully vetted prior to joining, and promote an exchange of ideas between
firms not meeting minimum participation clients and lawyers, and to have frank
rules are excluded and replaced. discussions concerning the lawyer/client
Globalaw firms provide excellent local
knowledge and local expertise accessible on IAG International (Integrated Advisory Group
a global scale. Most member firms are well International) (Multidisciplinary)
known and established firms within their
jurisdiction and provide a full service. Direct Address:
partner contact is important and firms will IAG Administration Office
be pleased to provide access for their clients 3a Westgate
to their local business community. Globalaw Oakham, LE15 6BH, England
members have not just contributed legal U.K.
expertise but in many cases have also
created or located successful business Contact: Christopher Whitamore
opportunities for their clients. Email:
Telephone: +44 1572 724733
Regular regional and annual meetings Fax: +44 1572 757797
around the world ensure that Globalaw Website:
lawyers understand what is expected of
them, understand the network well, and Number of Firms: 71
above all get to know each personally and Number of Lawyers 1,600
one another’s expertise well. There are Regions: Global
numerous sector initiatives where lawyers
practicing in specialist areas get together in Description: Our deep personal knowledge
person, by webinars and telephone and trust of one another makes all the
conference calls to establish how better to difference. IAG is unique in the level of
service their clients globally. well-justified confidence it builds and
maintains between members.
Harmonie Group
International offices don't mean distant
Address: relationships. IAG members know one
4248 Park Glen Rd. another. Each member firm is carefully
Minneapolis, MN 55416 selected after an exhaustive interviewing
U.S. process. We hold three meetings a year,
each in a different country. Over time this
Contact: Timothy C. Violet, Executive discipline, plus the operational experience of
Director working together, allows every member to
Email: develop strong bonds of trust, and often
Telephone: 612 875 7744 friendship, with every other member. This
Fax: dynamic translates into seamless, hassle-free
Website: service for members' clients around the
world. When we pick up the phone to speak
Number of Firms: 85 to a member in another country on your
Number of Lawyers: 5,000 behalf, we're talking to someone we know
Regions: Global and in whom we have confidence. No red
Description: The Harmonie Group was tape. Quick answers to easy questions,
founded in 1993 at the Harmonie Club in expedited strategy, and action on more
New York City, when several experienced complex challenges.
and well-respected members of the defense
bar met to discuss forming a national We work with large companies, medium-
network of high-quality law firms that had sized businesses, and individuals. Our
the proven ability to serve the special needs members include lawyers, accountants, tax
of the risk industry. The Group believed advisers, and fiduciaries, some of whom

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