Page 131 - The Handbook - Law Firm Networks 2018
P. 131
The Handbook - Law Firm Networks

cross-border implications that arise between with like-minded firms who have local
jurisdictions. knowledge of, and immediate access to, the
legal system operating in their own
Euroadvocaten jurisdictions.

Address: EuroCollectNet-Lawyers
Edwin Coe LLP
2 Stone Buildings Address:
Lincoln’s Inn Voller Rechtsanwaelte
London, WC2A 3TH, England Main Airport Center (MAC)
U.K. Unterschweinstiege 2-14
60549 Frankfurt am Main
Contact: Mr. Gareth Baker Germany
Telephone: +44 (0) 20 7691 4000 Contact: Dr. Jur Thomas Voller
Fax: +44 (0) 20 7691 4111 Email:
Website: Telephone: +0049 69 63 15 070
Fax: +0049 69 63 15 066
Number of Firms: 23 Website:
Number of Lawyers: 800+
Regions: Europe Number of Firms: 27
Number of Lawyers: 700
Description: Euroadvocaten is a Regions: International
collaboration among 23 independent law
firms across Europe. The network includes Description: ECN-Lawyers is an
more than 800 lawyers working out of 27 association of European law firms offering a
cities and 25 European countries. comprehensive
Established in 1990, the objective of cost-effective service for the collection of
Euroadvocaten is to help clients find the best debt throughout Europe. Representation by
and most cost-effective lawyers in Europe. ECN is accessible either directly or via your
Wherever clients are based, Euroadvocaten local ECN-Lawyer. Members commit
is able to provide a seamless service across themselves to observe the following
many jurisdictions, and to offer expertise in fundamentals for quality assurance in
a wide range of commercial legal services contact with clients and with each other: 1)
and industry sectors. Member firms are the members will cooperate in an internal
based in major European cities including network for mutual benefit through
London, Amsterdam, Barcelona, Paris, exchange of technical and personal
Warsaw, and Zurich. resources based on growing trust; 2) respect
and loyalty among members that extends far
Euro – American Lawyers Group beyond the ethics of professional
collegiality; 3) assurance of qualitatively
Address: high-valued service through the possibility
420 Aviation Boulevard of drawing on expertise outside one’s own
Santa Rosa, CA 95403 law office; and 4) discretion and
U.S. confidentiality in all matters.

Contact: John Friedemann EuroITCounsel
Telephone: + 44 161 833 3355 Address:
Fax: + 44 870 166 7151 Watchmaker Court
Website: 33 St Johns Lane
London, EC1M 4DB, England
Number of Firms: 26 U.K.
Number of Lawyers: 350
Regions: Europe and U.S. Contact: Nick Arnold
Description: The Euro-American Lawyers Telephone: +020 7405 2000
Group (EALG) is an association of Law Fax: +0844 620 3402
Firms founded in 1985. The members of Website:
EALG believe that they can best serve their
clients' interests overseas by cooperating

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