Page 126 - The Handbook - Law Firm Networks 2018
P. 126
The Handbook - Law Firm Networks
offices, CMS has the most extensive Consulegis Ewiv/EEIG
footprint in Europe. Our single organization
of practice groups and sector groups Address:
provides clients with high-quality advice Bräuhausstrasse 4
that is seamless, client-driven, and 80331 Munich
coordinated across borders. Germany
It means we understand your business and Contact: Caroline Chetrit
can provide the best legal and tax solutions. Email:
Our clients expect the best, and we deliver. Telephone: +49 89 30705020
It is all part of creating and maintaining Fax: +49 89 30 70 67 29
strong relationships built on trust. Website:
Conference Bleue Number of Firms: 90+
Number of Lawyers: more than 1,700+
Address: Regions: International
Tower 42
25 Old Broad Street Description: CONSULEGIS is an
London EC2N 1HQ, England international network of highly professional
U.K. independent law firms. The network
comprises of more than 1,600 lawyers
Contacts: Yanni Chryssospathis and Hector spread across 40 countries and more than
Jausas, co-Managing Partners 150 cities.
Cib Counterforce Network
awoffices .gr and Address:
Maritime House 1 Linton Road
Telephone: +44 (0) 20 77866-216 Barking
Fax: +44 (0) 20 77866-299 Essex, IG11 8HG, England
Website: U.K.
Number of Firms: 21 Contact:
Number of Lawyers: Email:
Regions: Europe Telephone: +44 (0)20 8591 3000
Fax: +44 (0)20 8594 2833
Description: As the cross border health care Website:
markets continue to expand, so too does the
need for expertise in the legal structures and Number of Firms: 45
health care policies of each European Number of Lawyers:
country. Regions: Global
In response to this need, we have formed a Description: The counterforce network was
network of European law firms specializing founded in 1995 and has become the leading
in pharmaceutical, health care, and medical global legal network, specializing in
law. Together we can offer our clients legal intellectual property and anti-counterfeiting
expertise by providing comprehensive work.
advice and assistance on a “multi-
jurisdictional” level. With 45 of the world’s leading specialist law
firms in as many countries throughout the
We are not just another law firm with world, the network offers an unrivaled
international offices throughout Europe. resource for companies engaged in the
Instead, we are a network of experienced, continuing battle against counterfeiting and
independent law firms with a history in our piracy.
respective countries. It is because of this
history that we are able to understand the
legal, economic, cultural, and political issues
facing our clients.
offices, CMS has the most extensive Consulegis Ewiv/EEIG
footprint in Europe. Our single organization
of practice groups and sector groups Address:
provides clients with high-quality advice Bräuhausstrasse 4
that is seamless, client-driven, and 80331 Munich
coordinated across borders. Germany
It means we understand your business and Contact: Caroline Chetrit
can provide the best legal and tax solutions. Email:
Our clients expect the best, and we deliver. Telephone: +49 89 30705020
It is all part of creating and maintaining Fax: +49 89 30 70 67 29
strong relationships built on trust. Website:
Conference Bleue Number of Firms: 90+
Number of Lawyers: more than 1,700+
Address: Regions: International
Tower 42
25 Old Broad Street Description: CONSULEGIS is an
London EC2N 1HQ, England international network of highly professional
U.K. independent law firms. The network
comprises of more than 1,600 lawyers
Contacts: Yanni Chryssospathis and Hector spread across 40 countries and more than
Jausas, co-Managing Partners 150 cities.
Cib Counterforce Network
awoffices .gr and Address:
Maritime House 1 Linton Road
Telephone: +44 (0) 20 77866-216 Barking
Fax: +44 (0) 20 77866-299 Essex, IG11 8HG, England
Website: U.K.
Number of Firms: 21 Contact:
Number of Lawyers: Email:
Regions: Europe Telephone: +44 (0)20 8591 3000
Fax: +44 (0)20 8594 2833
Description: As the cross border health care Website:
markets continue to expand, so too does the
need for expertise in the legal structures and Number of Firms: 45
health care policies of each European Number of Lawyers:
country. Regions: Global
In response to this need, we have formed a Description: The counterforce network was
network of European law firms specializing founded in 1995 and has become the leading
in pharmaceutical, health care, and medical global legal network, specializing in
law. Together we can offer our clients legal intellectual property and anti-counterfeiting
expertise by providing comprehensive work.
advice and assistance on a “multi-
jurisdictional” level. With 45 of the world’s leading specialist law
firms in as many countries throughout the
We are not just another law firm with world, the network offers an unrivaled
international offices throughout Europe. resource for companies engaged in the
Instead, we are a network of experienced, continuing battle against counterfeiting and
independent law firms with a history in our piracy.
respective countries. It is because of this
history that we are able to understand the
legal, economic, cultural, and political issues
facing our clients.