Page 130 - The Handbook - Law Firm Networks 2018
P. 130
The Handbook - Law Firm Networks
Fax: +44 (0) 20 7628 2100 Euravocat Group (EEIG)
Number of Firms: Des Gouttes & Associate
Number of Lawyers: 10 4, Avenue de Champel
Regions: Europe 1206 Geneva
Description: We have been drawn together
by a shared entrepreneurial philosophy and Contact: Mr. Philipp Ganzoni
in depth expertise across a wide range of Email:
European markets. The Enterprise Alliance Telephone: +41 22 704 30 50
is the union of some of Europe's most Fax: +41 22 704 30 55
enterprising commercial law firms. Website:
Established in 2004, by leading independent
firms from the United Kingdom, France, Number of Firms: 18
Germany, and Holland, the Enterprise Number of Lawyers: 230
Alliance has already started to expand Regions: Europe
throughout the EU. We are fundamentally
different in our outlook and this is reflected Description: Euravocat Group EEIG – a
in the way that we serve our clients. It is a European group of economic interests aimed
very particular approach that requires us to at providing prompt and efficient services
understand your objectives and see your throughout Europe. We are also an active
ambitions from your perspective. This member of the ICC Commercial Crime
means that we can offer advice and legal Bureau in London and of the Asset
thinking that is effective and efficient. Protection and Recovery Network, which is
aimed at providing a quick response in
Environmental Law Network international fraud.
Address: Eureseau
Environmental Law Network
812 Huron Road, Suite 650 Address:
Cleveland, OH 44115 Advokatfirma Meyer
U.S. Kurfürstendamm 57
D 10707 Berlin
Contact: Greg DeGulis, Chair Germany
Telephone: 216 621 1312 Contact: Hans-Oluf Meyer, President
Fax: 216 621 0577 E-Mail:
Website: Telephone: + 49 (0) 30 3151 8969 9
Fax: +49 (0) 30 3151 8969
Number of Firms: Website:
Number of Lawyers:
Regions: North & South America, Europe Number of Firms:
Number of Lawyers:
Description: The Environmental Law Regions: Global
Network (ELN) is the first environmental
law firm network that makes local Description: We are an international group
representation available nationwide. of independent law firms serving clients
Through ELN, more than 250 environmental around the world. Established in 1986, we
attorneys share ideas, information, now have offices in 24 countries and our
experiences, and contacts to increase the secretariat in London. All the law firms in
value of legal representation for their our network have a reputation for integrity
respective clients. ELN also has foreign and quality. Our lawyers have worked
affiliates in Argentina, Canada, Mexico, the together for many years. Our clients come
United Kingdom, and Spain. Leaders in each from the full range of international
of the member firms average more than 20 commercial concerns, governments,
years of experience in the field. institutions, and individuals. We give sound,
pragmatic, commercial advice on a wide
range of matters under many different
national laws and on the transnational and
Fax: +44 (0) 20 7628 2100 Euravocat Group (EEIG)
Number of Firms: Des Gouttes & Associate
Number of Lawyers: 10 4, Avenue de Champel
Regions: Europe 1206 Geneva
Description: We have been drawn together
by a shared entrepreneurial philosophy and Contact: Mr. Philipp Ganzoni
in depth expertise across a wide range of Email:
European markets. The Enterprise Alliance Telephone: +41 22 704 30 50
is the union of some of Europe's most Fax: +41 22 704 30 55
enterprising commercial law firms. Website:
Established in 2004, by leading independent
firms from the United Kingdom, France, Number of Firms: 18
Germany, and Holland, the Enterprise Number of Lawyers: 230
Alliance has already started to expand Regions: Europe
throughout the EU. We are fundamentally
different in our outlook and this is reflected Description: Euravocat Group EEIG – a
in the way that we serve our clients. It is a European group of economic interests aimed
very particular approach that requires us to at providing prompt and efficient services
understand your objectives and see your throughout Europe. We are also an active
ambitions from your perspective. This member of the ICC Commercial Crime
means that we can offer advice and legal Bureau in London and of the Asset
thinking that is effective and efficient. Protection and Recovery Network, which is
aimed at providing a quick response in
Environmental Law Network international fraud.
Address: Eureseau
Environmental Law Network
812 Huron Road, Suite 650 Address:
Cleveland, OH 44115 Advokatfirma Meyer
U.S. Kurfürstendamm 57
D 10707 Berlin
Contact: Greg DeGulis, Chair Germany
Telephone: 216 621 1312 Contact: Hans-Oluf Meyer, President
Fax: 216 621 0577 E-Mail:
Website: Telephone: + 49 (0) 30 3151 8969 9
Fax: +49 (0) 30 3151 8969
Number of Firms: Website:
Number of Lawyers:
Regions: North & South America, Europe Number of Firms:
Number of Lawyers:
Description: The Environmental Law Regions: Global
Network (ELN) is the first environmental
law firm network that makes local Description: We are an international group
representation available nationwide. of independent law firms serving clients
Through ELN, more than 250 environmental around the world. Established in 1986, we
attorneys share ideas, information, now have offices in 24 countries and our
experiences, and contacts to increase the secretariat in London. All the law firms in
value of legal representation for their our network have a reputation for integrity
respective clients. ELN also has foreign and quality. Our lawyers have worked
affiliates in Argentina, Canada, Mexico, the together for many years. Our clients come
United Kingdom, and Spain. Leaders in each from the full range of international
of the member firms average more than 20 commercial concerns, governments,
years of experience in the field. institutions, and individuals. We give sound,
pragmatic, commercial advice on a wide
range of matters under many different
national laws and on the transnational and