Page 135 - The Handbook - Law Firm Networks 2018
P. 135
The Handbook - Law Firm Networks

Specialists throughout the globe who know knowledge of fellow member firms all over
how to get results. the world.

We do this … by bringing together lawyers Global Advertising Lawyers Alliance (GALA)
who have worked together successfully
before on fraud cases that share the same Address:
philosophy and understand that creativity 488 Madison Avenue, 10th Floor
and aggression are critical when confronted New York, NY 10022
with international fraud. U.S.

Because … clients need to know the Contact: Stacy Bess
credentials and suitability of the individual Email:
lawyer who is entrusted to handle a sensitive Telephone: 212 705 4895
and complicated fraud case, the Network Fax: 347 438 2185
provides the client with at least one referee Website:
for each member.
Number of Firms: 64
Success … in international fraud cases is Number of Lawyers: 120
often determined by one or two critical Regions: Global
decisions taken at the outset of the case
when there is very little information Description: GALA is an alliance of
available. These decisions usually involve lawyers located throughout the world with
obtaining injunctions to preserve assets or expertise and experience in advertising,
evidence prior to commencing proceedings. marketing and promotion law. GALA
Network members are experienced provides a worldwide resource to
injunction specialists who know how to individuals and corporations interested in
explain complex and technical legal answers to questions and solutions to
concepts in simple terms to enable clients to problems involving the complex legal issues
make the right decision under pressure. affecting advertisers and marketers. GALA,
a network of independent law firms, is
Geneva Group International (GGI) neither licensed nor authorized to render
(Multidisciplinary Alliance) legal services. While GALA can coordinate
the consultation an associate member or
Address: third party may receive from GALA
Forsterstrasse 70 members, each individual GALA member,
CH-8044 Zurich and not GALA, is solely responsible for the
Switzerland advice they provide.

Contact: Michael Reis von Filski Globalaw
Telephone: +41 (0)44 256 18 18 Address:
Fax: +41 (0)44 256 18 11 Avenue de Tervueren 300
Website: 1150 Brussels
Number of Firms: 600
Number of Professionals: 11,000 Contact: Michael Hatchwell
Regions: Global Email:>
Description: GGI members are committed Telephone: +32 2 645 2676
to providing clients with specialist solutions Fax: +32 2 645 2671
for their international business requirements. Website:
Both members and their clients can select a
GGI Geneva Group International firm with Number of Firms: 114
confidence. All GGI member firms share a Number of Lawyers: 4,500
common mission: to provide top quality Regions: Global
services. Established in 1995 in Switzerland,
GGI Geneva Group International has grown Description: Globalaw, established in 1994,
to more than 460 professional, independent is now one of the world’s leading law firm
firms with more than 655 offices and 22,188 networks. Comprising more than 110
employees worldwide. GGI members have independent law firms with approximately
ready access to the expertise and market 4,500 lawyers practicing in more than 90

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