Page 132 - The Handbook - Law Firm Networks 2018
P. 132
The Handbook - Law Firm Networks

Number of Firms: 16 B-1040 Brussels, Belgium
Number of Lawyers:
Regions: Europe Contact: Jacque Remacle
Description: A quality circle of independent Telephone: +32 2 502 18 82
European specialist computer and IT Fax: +32 2 502 38 66
lawyers. Established advisers in the IT, Website:
computer and telecommunications sectors,
we provide a one-stop service based on Number of Firms: 610
quality and value to clients with no Number of Lawyers: 5,000
obligations of exclusivity. EuroITCounsel Regions: Europe
was born from an informal group of
specialist lawyers who had worked together Description: A leading network of law
over a number of years. Brought together by firms in Europe, covering 610 different
experience in advising clients on issues cities/locations in 16 countries. Each country
affecting businesses and transactions has a national Eurojuris association that
involving the Internet, E-commerce, selects as members medium-sized
Computers, and Telecommunications, they independent law firms well established in
realized a new approach to offering Europe- their country and who satisfy the Eurojuris
wide legal advice was required for clients selection criteria. The objective is to provide
and companies working in Europe. That to companies, corporations, public
approach focuses on quality of service, authorities, and private clients direct legal
sector experience, and value: these are advice and local representation all over
among the prime commitments our members Europe.
make when they join.
European Immigration Lawyers Group
Address: Gulbenkian Harris Andonian
66, Avenue Victor Hugo 125 High Holborn
F-75116 Paris London, WC1V 6QF, England
France U.K.

Contact: Jean-Jacques Zander, Mng. Contact: Paul Gulbenkian
Partner Email:
Email: Telephone: +44 207 242 3000
Telephone: +33 (0)1 45 00 02 33 Fax: +44 207 831 0973
Fax: +33 (0)1 45 00 60 99 Website:
Number of Firms: 15
Number of Firms: 21 Number of Lawyers: 35
Number of Lawyers: Regions: Europe
Regions: Europe
Description: Eurolaw is a group of
independent European law firms, medium- European Law Firm EEIG
sized, and specialized in business law. The
group is organized as a European Economic Address:
Interest Grouping (E.E.I.G.) with its seat in TLT
Paris. The law firms are supported by a One Redcliff St.
network of professionals who are united by Bristol, BS1 6TP, England
strong links of confidence, respect, and U.K.
mutual comprehension, which are
determinant quality criteria for the Contact: Neil Meakin
performance of services. Email:
Telephone: +44 (0)333 006 0000
Eurojuris International EEIG Fax: +44 (0)333 006 0011
Eurojuris European Headquarters Number of Firms: 28 across 29 European
Rue Abbé Cuypers 3 jurisdictions

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