Page 124 - The Handbook - Law Firm Networks 2018
P. 124
The Handbook - Law Firm Networks

Fasken Martineau courts and administrative agencies in each
17 Hanover Square relevant jurisdiction.
London, W1S 1HU, England
U.K. Bridge Group

Contact: Allistair Booth Address:
Email: The Lanterns, Bridge Lane
Telephone: +44 207 917 8500 London SW11 3AD, England
Fax: +44 207 917 8555 U.K.
Contact: Denis C. Braham
Number of Firms: 16 Email:
Number of Lawyers: Telephone: 713 650 2473
Regions: International Fax: 713 650 2400
Description: Biolegis is a network of
leading independent European law firms Number of Firms: 11
with extensive expertise in life sciences, Number of Lawyers: 800
including biotechnology, pharmaceuticals, Regions: Global
medical devices, and related fields of law.
The aim of the network is to offer Description: Each member of The Bridge
integrated, high-quality legal services across Group is dedicated to providing clients with
Europe to companies and investors in this the highest quality legal services and
field. Biolegis offers access to 163 lawyers maintains a responsive and timely approach
specialized in life sciences across 15 to each client's special needs. The Bridge
European countries. Group members call upon the expertise and
services of other group members in a given
Bomchil Group – Association of Independent Latin geographic area in order to most efficiently
American Law Firms and professionally represent each client.
Being able to call upon other members of
Address: The Bridge Group allows Bridge Group
Estudio Luis Echecopar Garcia members to provide their clients with local
Av. De la Floresta 497, 5th Floor expertise for a given legal matter as well as
Chacarilla, San Borja cutting edge legal resources in newly
Lima 41, Perú developing areas of practice. Bridge Group
members do not pay referral fees to each
Contact: Dr. José Ramirez Gastón Roe other and are under no obligation to each
Email: member firm.
Telephone: (51-1) 372 7373 Business Counsel Inc.
Fax: (51-1) 372 7374 / 372 7171
Website: Address:
Business Counsel, Inc.
Number of Firms: 19 P.O. Box 85
Number of Lawyers: 400 Abington, MA 02351
Regions: Latin America U.S.

Description: Founded in 1963, The Contact: Florian Gibitz, Arthur Braun (Co-
Bomchil Group is an Association of Chairs)
Independent Latin American Law Firms Email:
engaged in a full-service international
practice in each of the 19 jurisdictions in Telephone: 781 871 4090
which its members are located. The member Fax: 781 871 7061
firms provide specialized services in Website:
international commercial and civil matters,
including corporate, foreign investment, Number of Firms: 39
banking, transfer of technology and in-bond Number of Lawyers:
(maquiladora) regulations, mergers, Regions: Global
acquisitions, tax, labor, real estate, trust,
mining, immigration, customs, admiralty,
aviation, patents & trademarks, copyright,
licensing, estates, and representation in all

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