Page 120 - The Handbook - Law Firm Networks 2018
P. 120
The Handbook - Law Firm Networks
ALEXIA Description: Extending throughout Europe,
Africa, the Middle East, North America,
Address: Latin America, and Asia Pacific, Alliott
Group has merged the reality of global
Contact: ambition with the need for truly local
Email: coverage. Alliott Group brings together
Telephone: quality local firms that want to maintain
Fax: their independence but recognize the benefit
Website: of being able to link up with link-minded
professionals in most major markets of the
Number of Firms: 13 world to provide a true alternative in the
Number of Lawyers: supply of professional services.
Ally Law
ALFA International 527 Marquette Ave. South, Ste. 1925
Minneapolis, MN 55402
Address: U.S.
980 Michigan Ave. Ste. 1180
Chicago, Illinois 60611 Contact: Wendy Horn
U.S. Email:
Telephone: 612 454 5242
Contact: Peter W. Rogers, CEO Fax: 612 435 2054
Email: Website:
Telephone: 312 642 2532
Fax: 312 642 5346 Number of Firms: 61
Website: Number of Lawyers: more than 2,250
Regions: Global
Number of Firms: 150
Number of Lawyers: 10,000 Description: The Alliance is an
Regions: Global international network of select, business-
oriented law firms. It was founded to enable
ALFA is a global network of independent clients to obtain global legal services from
law firms. Founded in l980, ALFA is the the Alliance's individual members.
oldest legal network and remains one of the The common aim of the member firms is to
largest and strongest. The ALFA combine positive legal advice with sound
organization is comprised of 142 member commercial judgment and litigation
firms with 80 members in the USA and 62 expertise when required. Each member of
members in Canada, Latin America, Europe, the Alliance is an individual law firm that is
Africa, and the Pacific Rim. The ALFA responsible only for the work it carries out.
reach is a broad one. In the USA, ALFA Alliance member firms seek to provide their
members maintain offices in 95 of the 100 clients with a swift and effective response to
largest metropolitan areas. the challenges of international business
requirements. The Alliance has 62 member
Alliott Group (Multidisciplinary) firms in 40 countries. Candidates for
membership in the Alliance are submitted to
Address: a detailed selection procedure in an effort to
Lydum House ensure that every member firm affords its
12 The High StreetPetersfield clients.
Hampshire. GU32 3JG, England
U.K. Alianza Legal Latinoamericana
Contact: James Hickey, Chief Executive Address:
Email: Contact:
Telephone: +44 203 3300 111 Telephone:
Fax: Fax:
Website: Website:
Number of Firms: 169
Number of Lawyers:
Regions: 71
ALEXIA Description: Extending throughout Europe,
Africa, the Middle East, North America,
Address: Latin America, and Asia Pacific, Alliott
Group has merged the reality of global
Contact: ambition with the need for truly local
Email: coverage. Alliott Group brings together
Telephone: quality local firms that want to maintain
Fax: their independence but recognize the benefit
Website: of being able to link up with link-minded
professionals in most major markets of the
Number of Firms: 13 world to provide a true alternative in the
Number of Lawyers: supply of professional services.
Ally Law
ALFA International 527 Marquette Ave. South, Ste. 1925
Minneapolis, MN 55402
Address: U.S.
980 Michigan Ave. Ste. 1180
Chicago, Illinois 60611 Contact: Wendy Horn
U.S. Email:
Telephone: 612 454 5242
Contact: Peter W. Rogers, CEO Fax: 612 435 2054
Email: Website:
Telephone: 312 642 2532
Fax: 312 642 5346 Number of Firms: 61
Website: Number of Lawyers: more than 2,250
Regions: Global
Number of Firms: 150
Number of Lawyers: 10,000 Description: The Alliance is an
Regions: Global international network of select, business-
oriented law firms. It was founded to enable
ALFA is a global network of independent clients to obtain global legal services from
law firms. Founded in l980, ALFA is the the Alliance's individual members.
oldest legal network and remains one of the The common aim of the member firms is to
largest and strongest. The ALFA combine positive legal advice with sound
organization is comprised of 142 member commercial judgment and litigation
firms with 80 members in the USA and 62 expertise when required. Each member of
members in Canada, Latin America, Europe, the Alliance is an individual law firm that is
Africa, and the Pacific Rim. The ALFA responsible only for the work it carries out.
reach is a broad one. In the USA, ALFA Alliance member firms seek to provide their
members maintain offices in 95 of the 100 clients with a swift and effective response to
largest metropolitan areas. the challenges of international business
requirements. The Alliance has 62 member
Alliott Group (Multidisciplinary) firms in 40 countries. Candidates for
membership in the Alliance are submitted to
Address: a detailed selection procedure in an effort to
Lydum House ensure that every member firm affords its
12 The High StreetPetersfield clients.
Hampshire. GU32 3JG, England
U.K. Alianza Legal Latinoamericana
Contact: James Hickey, Chief Executive Address:
Email: Contact:
Telephone: +44 203 3300 111 Telephone:
Fax: Fax:
Website: Website:
Number of Firms: 169
Number of Lawyers:
Regions: 71