Page 118 - The Handbook - Law Firm Networks 2018
P. 118
Address: The Handbook - Law Firm Networks
1 New Fetter Lane,
London, EC4A 1AN, England Number of Firms: 26
U.K. Number of Lawyers: 150
Regions: Europe
Contact: Simon Rous
Email: Description: Advoselect is the definitive European
Telephone: +44 797 747 1330 network for German-speaking commercial
Fax: law firms. Members include law firms all
Website: over Germany, as well as in Austria,
Bulgaria, Denmark, England, France,
Number of Firms: 95 Hungary, Italy, Poland, Slovakia, Slovenia,
Number of Lawyers: 5,500 Spain and – going beyond Europe – even in
Regions: Global Brazil. Most member law firms are made up
of an average of five lawyers, specialize in
Description: Each of the legal firms in commercial law, and work predominantly
membership of ADVOC is known and with small to medium-sized businesses.
respected in its region, and each has agreed
to respond immediately to the needs of The network was founded in early 1992 as
clients of other member firms. Advoselect EEIG (European Economic
Interest Grouping). An EEIG is a legal entity
Advocacy Group (Multidisciplinary) launched in 1989 that makes it easier for
European companies to work together and
Address: provide joint services. The activities carried
1655 North Fort Myer Drive out by the ever-growing network are now
Arlington, VA 22209 pooled together as Advoselect EEIG and
U.S. Advoselect Service AG.
Contact: Ben Dendy Benefits for member law firms include
Email: ongoing opportunities to share experience, a
Telephone: 703 740 3801 system for cross-border client mediation,
Fax: 703 351 5298 efficient knowledge management with
Website: exclusive access to specialist information,
and being part of a brand that is respected
Number of Firms: 16 for quality all over Europe and thus boosts
Number of Professionals: 1,500 marketing potential for all the individual law
Regions: Global firms.
Description: An international inter-firm AEA International Lawyers Network
network focusing on public affairs and
government relations. TAG provides a Address:
diverse array of professional advocacy Avda. Maisonnave, 30-2º-A
services through its members. TAG works 03003 Alicante
with firms in all fifty states, Washington,
D.C., and six countries. Contact: Pedro Beltrán Gamir
Advoselect Telephone: +34 96.598.65.40
Fax: +34 96.513.30.92
Address: Website:
Hölderlinstrasse 64
D-70193 Stuttgart Number of Firms:
Germany Number of Lawyers:
Regions: Global
Contact: Nehm Kraak Ordejon
Email: Description: The AEA is an international
Telephone: +49 711 2 23 73 12 network of offices situated all over the
Fax: +49 711 2 23 73 13 world. The AEA covers all the 193 countries
Website: that are in the United Nations, plus Taiwan,
Kosovo, and Palestine. No other lawyers
cover so many countries. The second, the
International Bar Association, covers 125
countries. The third, UIA, Union
Internationale des Avocats, covers 110.
1 New Fetter Lane,
London, EC4A 1AN, England Number of Firms: 26
U.K. Number of Lawyers: 150
Regions: Europe
Contact: Simon Rous
Email: Description: Advoselect is the definitive European
Telephone: +44 797 747 1330 network for German-speaking commercial
Fax: law firms. Members include law firms all
Website: over Germany, as well as in Austria,
Bulgaria, Denmark, England, France,
Number of Firms: 95 Hungary, Italy, Poland, Slovakia, Slovenia,
Number of Lawyers: 5,500 Spain and – going beyond Europe – even in
Regions: Global Brazil. Most member law firms are made up
of an average of five lawyers, specialize in
Description: Each of the legal firms in commercial law, and work predominantly
membership of ADVOC is known and with small to medium-sized businesses.
respected in its region, and each has agreed
to respond immediately to the needs of The network was founded in early 1992 as
clients of other member firms. Advoselect EEIG (European Economic
Interest Grouping). An EEIG is a legal entity
Advocacy Group (Multidisciplinary) launched in 1989 that makes it easier for
European companies to work together and
Address: provide joint services. The activities carried
1655 North Fort Myer Drive out by the ever-growing network are now
Arlington, VA 22209 pooled together as Advoselect EEIG and
U.S. Advoselect Service AG.
Contact: Ben Dendy Benefits for member law firms include
Email: ongoing opportunities to share experience, a
Telephone: 703 740 3801 system for cross-border client mediation,
Fax: 703 351 5298 efficient knowledge management with
Website: exclusive access to specialist information,
and being part of a brand that is respected
Number of Firms: 16 for quality all over Europe and thus boosts
Number of Professionals: 1,500 marketing potential for all the individual law
Regions: Global firms.
Description: An international inter-firm AEA International Lawyers Network
network focusing on public affairs and
government relations. TAG provides a Address:
diverse array of professional advocacy Avda. Maisonnave, 30-2º-A
services through its members. TAG works 03003 Alicante
with firms in all fifty states, Washington,
D.C., and six countries. Contact: Pedro Beltrán Gamir
Advoselect Telephone: +34 96.598.65.40
Fax: +34 96.513.30.92
Address: Website:
Hölderlinstrasse 64
D-70193 Stuttgart Number of Firms:
Germany Number of Lawyers:
Regions: Global
Contact: Nehm Kraak Ordejon
Email: Description: The AEA is an international
Telephone: +49 711 2 23 73 12 network of offices situated all over the
Fax: +49 711 2 23 73 13 world. The AEA covers all the 193 countries
Website: that are in the United Nations, plus Taiwan,
Kosovo, and Palestine. No other lawyers
cover so many countries. The second, the
International Bar Association, covers 125
countries. The third, UIA, Union
Internationale des Avocats, covers 110.