Page 121 - The Handbook - Law Firm Networks 2018
P. 121
The Handbook - Law Firm Networks
Number of Firms: 7 Number of Lawyers: 300
Number of Lawyers: Regions: U.S.
Regions: Latin America
Description: The networks seeks to
Description: establish and maintain an organization of
lawyers experienced in the general practice
ALN (Africa Legal Network) of law that is united in fellowship and effort,
thereby improving and enhancing standards
Address: of practice, the administration of justice, and
18N Frere, Felix de Valois Street the discharge of the responsibilities of the
Port Louis, Mauritius profession; to encourage and assist law
students in preparing, qualifying, and
Contact: Jason Harel establishing themselves in general practice;
Email: to promote or assist programs designed to
Telephone: +230 213 7920 inculcate in law students the principles of
Fax: +230 213 7921 professional responsibility and service to the
Website: profession and to the public; to promote or
assist programs of continuing legal
Number of Firms: 10 education for active practitioners; and to
Number of Professionals: 60 promote programs designed to draw together
Regions: Africa in cordial friendship all members of this
Description: Africa Legal Network was
created with a view to providing seamless, Antitrust Alliance
high-quality, and efficient legal services to
clients in the countries where Africa Legal Address:
Network is currently located as well as to Minervastraat 5
those who may from time to time require B-1930 Zaventem
legal advice in one or more jurisdictions.
The association is structurally set up to Contact: Frank Wijckmans
operate as if it were one firm. It is the only Email:
association of its kind in East and Central Telephone: +32 (0)2 275 00 75
Africa. Fax: +32 (0)2 275 00 70
In this regard, the member firms of Africa
Legal Network work very closely together. Number of Firms: 21
For example, the member firms share library Number of Lawyers: n/a
and precedent resources; operate similar Regions: Europe
accounting and time recording programs;
undertake joint professional training and Description: The Antitrust Alliance brings
development and second staff to one another together the knowledge and resources of
on a transactional as well as a longer-term independent specialized antitrust teams in
basis; operate common marketing and Europe to provide clients with first-rate
administrative systems; and operate similar competition law counseling.
quality assurance methods.
The Antitrust Alliance has been founded in
American Counsel Association the slipstream of the decentralization of the
enforcement of EU competition law
Address: triggered by Regulation 1/2003.
2500 Wachovia Center
150 Fayetteville Street Arab Legal Network
Raleigh, North Carolina 27602-2611
U.S. Address:
Nadoury & Nahas Law Offices
Contacts: Wesley Horton 7, Lazoughli Street
Email: Isis Building Apt. 35
Telephone: 919 821 1220 Garden City
Fax: 919 821 6800 Cairo, Egypt
Contact: Mourad Nadoury
Number of Firms: 155 Email:
Number of Firms: 7 Number of Lawyers: 300
Number of Lawyers: Regions: U.S.
Regions: Latin America
Description: The networks seeks to
Description: establish and maintain an organization of
lawyers experienced in the general practice
ALN (Africa Legal Network) of law that is united in fellowship and effort,
thereby improving and enhancing standards
Address: of practice, the administration of justice, and
18N Frere, Felix de Valois Street the discharge of the responsibilities of the
Port Louis, Mauritius profession; to encourage and assist law
students in preparing, qualifying, and
Contact: Jason Harel establishing themselves in general practice;
Email: to promote or assist programs designed to
Telephone: +230 213 7920 inculcate in law students the principles of
Fax: +230 213 7921 professional responsibility and service to the
Website: profession and to the public; to promote or
assist programs of continuing legal
Number of Firms: 10 education for active practitioners; and to
Number of Professionals: 60 promote programs designed to draw together
Regions: Africa in cordial friendship all members of this
Description: Africa Legal Network was
created with a view to providing seamless, Antitrust Alliance
high-quality, and efficient legal services to
clients in the countries where Africa Legal Address:
Network is currently located as well as to Minervastraat 5
those who may from time to time require B-1930 Zaventem
legal advice in one or more jurisdictions.
The association is structurally set up to Contact: Frank Wijckmans
operate as if it were one firm. It is the only Email:
association of its kind in East and Central Telephone: +32 (0)2 275 00 75
Africa. Fax: +32 (0)2 275 00 70
In this regard, the member firms of Africa
Legal Network work very closely together. Number of Firms: 21
For example, the member firms share library Number of Lawyers: n/a
and precedent resources; operate similar Regions: Europe
accounting and time recording programs;
undertake joint professional training and Description: The Antitrust Alliance brings
development and second staff to one another together the knowledge and resources of
on a transactional as well as a longer-term independent specialized antitrust teams in
basis; operate common marketing and Europe to provide clients with first-rate
administrative systems; and operate similar competition law counseling.
quality assurance methods.
The Antitrust Alliance has been founded in
American Counsel Association the slipstream of the decentralization of the
enforcement of EU competition law
Address: triggered by Regulation 1/2003.
2500 Wachovia Center
150 Fayetteville Street Arab Legal Network
Raleigh, North Carolina 27602-2611
U.S. Address:
Nadoury & Nahas Law Offices
Contacts: Wesley Horton 7, Lazoughli Street
Email: Isis Building Apt. 35
Telephone: 919 821 1220 Garden City
Fax: 919 821 6800 Cairo, Egypt
Contact: Mourad Nadoury
Number of Firms: 155 Email: