Page 119 - The Handbook - Law Firm Networks 2018
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The AEA has the most prestigious and The Handbook - Law Firm Networks
important offices in each country within its
group along with the best professionals. The Number of Firms: 125
network was founded in the European Union Number of Lawyers: 350
and with time has been growing and Regions: Africa
expanding to a more global scale, starting
with the European countries that were not Description: ALN is an alliance of
part of the European Union and then independent top tier African law firms. It is
expanding to countries in America, Asia, the largest grouping of its kind in Africa,
and Africa. with close working relationships across its
members and an established network of Best
In most of the countries all the larger cities Friends across the continent. ALN’s firms
have AEA offices, and some cities have are committed to working together to
more than one. The offices had been chosen provide extensive coverage and on-the-
rigorously following the criteria the AEA ground experience.ALN assists member
require, professionalism, competence, and firms by developing common knowledge
effectiveness of each professional chosen. sharing platforms and enhancing their
capacity and capability to service a growing
Affinitas volume of high value domestic and
international corporate and commercial
Address: advisory work across Africa. ALN also
Hermosilla, 3 coordinates cross-border groups focused
28001 Madrid, Spain around industry sectors including
Agriculture, Commercial Property &
Contact: Antonio Alonso Leisure, Energy, Financial Services,
Email: Infrastructure & Telecoms, Mining & Minerals, and Oil & Gas.
Telephone: +34 91 514 52 00
Fax: +34 91 399 24 08 ALAE Alianca de Advocacia
Number of Firms: 8 Nogueira Reis/Pessoa & Pesso
Number of Lawyers: 2,400 Escritorieo Associados
Regions: South America and Europe Salvador, BA

Description: Unlike traditional models Contact: Edson Pinto
based on opening dedicated offices, “best Email:
friend” agreements, or diverse professional Telephone: +71 3555 3099
services networks, Affinitas was created Fax:
with a new approach in mind: the ability to Website:
offer the common clients of member firms a
high-quality, yet, above all, highly uniform Number of Firms: 15
service. Clients thus receive identical legal Number of Lawyers:
assistance and advice in any of the different Regions: South America
countries in the Alliance, as if one firm
provided them. Description: ALAE – ALIANÇA DE
is an association of legal firms that
Address: specialize in the area of corporate law.
Anjarwalla, Collins & Haidermota, With the objective of catering to both
Dubai, UAE Brazilian and international companies and
Saaha Offices, Block C, Office 501 A, The corporations by providing legal services of
Palace, Downtown Dubai the highest quality and ethical order, ALAE
proposes, in innovative style, to bring
Contact: Dr. Cheick Modibo Diarra together respected legal firms with regional
Email: and cultural experience of Brazil, with a
Tel: (+971) 4 452 9091 view to offering a unified and fully
Fax: (+971) 4 452 9078 comprehensive service founded on

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