Page 150 - The Handbook - Law Firm Networks 2018
P. 150
The Handbook - Law Firm Networks

Description: Legal Counsel International international business transactions, foreign
has member firms in 13 countries offering investment, M&A, company and
legal services in a broad range of practice commercial, dispute resolution, banking and
areas. Members must be fluent in English finance, real estate, tax, government
and have significant experience in contracts, environmental law, intellectual
international business matters. Membership property, media, and entertainment.
is by invitation only. Members meet twice a year and are directed
by a Steering Committee that currently has
Legal Netlink Alliance nine members.

Address: Legus
Aronberg Goldgehn Davis & Garmisa
One IBM Plaza, Ste. 3000 Address:
Chicago, IL 60611 3135 S. State St., Ste. 103
U.S. Ann Arbor, MI 48108
Contact: Jay A. Frank
Email: Contact: Sandra J. Boyer
Telephone: 312 828 9600 Email:
Fax: 312 828 9635 Telephone: 734 929 6948
Website: Fax: 734 929 6952
Number of Firms: 80
Number of Lawyers: 1,500 Number of Firms: 75
Regions: Global Number of Lawyers: ~2,500
Regions: Africa, Asia, Europe, North
Description: Legal Netlink Alliance is a America, South America, Latin America,
network of midsize general practice firms. Russia, Australia
The alliance has more than 1,500 members
from 80 firms. Members have access to legal Description: LEGUS is an international
professionals familiar with local policies and network of high-quality law firms located
practices in 17 countries. around the world. LEGUS was founded in
1995 as a Michigan non-profit organization
Legal Network International (LNI) to help law firms better serve their clients as
their needs for worldwide expertise
Address: expanded. For nearly 20 years LEGUS
6, rue Jean-Gabriel Eynard members have developed trusted, valuable,
1205 Geneva and respected relationships with one
Switzerland another. When client’s needs go beyond
their borders, a LEGUS member can contact
Contact: Horace Gautier almost 2,500 trusted lawyers to help meet
Email: those needs. LEGUS reflects a vibrant
Telephone: +41 (0)22 318 58 18 worldwide range of work and client referrals
Fax: +41 (0)22 318 58 12 among member firms. We build close
Website: relationships among our members through
referrals, the legal and educational
Number of Firms: 65 programming held at our meetings, and an
Number of Lawyers: 5,000 exchange of information focusing on
Regions: Global member law firm business operations.
Together these create true and lasting
Description: Legal Network International friendships within an environment of trust
results from the 2012 merger of Legal and confidence, which enhances our lawyer
Network International and Oasis. A non- members as people and thus improves the
exclusive legal network, it comprises in total quality of their legal performance and their
more than 5,000 legal professionals, ability to service their clients’ business
represented in 135 cities (most of Europe, needs.
the U.S., Central and South America,
Russia, the Middle East, and the Far East). Lex Africa
Member firms are full-service, medium-
sized, and internationally-focused law firms Address:
providing services such as corporate, Werksmans Lawyers

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